Margaret Kenney – Associate Director

Margaret Kenney is the Associate Director of the Berkeley APEC Study Center. She is currently pursuing her Ph.D. in international relations and statistical methodology. Her research interests center on the intersection of international political economy and security. More specifically, she is interested in China’s domestic and foreign policy, with a focus on China’s Belt and Road Initiative. She also holds a B.A. from Saint Louis University in Political Science and International Studies.

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Content By Margaret Kenney – Associate Director

Great Power Competition and Middle Power Strategies

|By Vinod Aggarwal – Director| Margaret Kenney – Associate Director|

Amidst renewed tensions between the United States and China, middle powers have leveraged their geostrategic importance in the Indo-Pacifc region. The US-China trade war and the pandemic, in particular, have shifted the structure of the global economy and states’ objectives. Geopolitical rivalry between the United States, China, and the EU appears to be a continuing […]

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Intellectual Property as National Security: The Case of AI in the Indo-Pacific

|By Margaret Kenney – Associate Director|

ntellectual property has long loomed as a potent element in national security strategies, but with the proliferation of advances in technology in recent decades, it has now become a central focus of geopolitical rivalry, especially between the US and China.

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