2023 Publications

BASC Staff Articles

Searching for global equilibrium: How new economic statecraft undermines international institutions

|By Vinod Aggarwal – Director| Andrew Reddie – Deputy Director|

The rise of “new economic statecraft”—intervention in trade and investment for foreign policy reasons—is increasingly threatening the stability of the global economic system.

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Putting the Biden Administration’s “New Economic Statecraft” in Context

|By Vinod Aggarwal – Director| Andrew Reddie – Deputy Director|

On Aug. 9, President Joe Biden declared (via executive order) a national emergency associated with the development of artificial intelligence, semiconductor, and quantum computing technology critical for “military, intelligence, surveillance, or cyber-enabled capabilities” in “countries of concern” (read: China).

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“So what if ChatGPT wrote it?”

|By Margherita Pagani|

Transformative artificially intelligent tools, such as ChatGPT, designed to generate sophisticated text indistinguishable from that produced by a human, are applicable across a wide range of contexts.

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U.S.-China Trade and Investment Cooperation Amid Great Power Rivalry

|By Yuhan Zhang – Associate Director|

The use of economic tools in the pursuit of national-security interests has surged in the wake of growing geopolitical tensions, especially the rivalry between China and the US.

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The death of US–China climate cooperation

|By Yuhan Zhang – Associate Director|

The alarm bells of the climate crisis have been ringing for years. There is an increasing consensus among climate scientists that it is indispensable to hold the increase in the global average temperature within 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. But as the world’s largest greenhouse gas emitters, the United States and China have not […]

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