Azure Hybrid Connections To Local IIS Server Not Connecting

I found myself needing to create an Azure Hybrid connection from a web application hosted on Azure to a WebAPI application hosting on a server inside a company network. I kept running into one issue that was preventing me from successfully creating my connection. If you find, like me, that no matter what you try, your Hybrid connection just keeps telling you ‘Not Connected’, there’s one thing you should check in your installed Windows Features list.

Tagging Images with Flow and Azure Vision API – Part I

This time, in our continuing adventures with Microsoft Flow and the Azure Cognitive Services Computer Vision API, we’re using the Vision API to tag image files. The flow will pass the Vision API image files from OneDrive and update the image files with the list of auto-generated meta tags the service returns to us.

Flow and Azure Cognitive Services Vision Service-Thumbnails

One of the most universal pieces of any company website is the ‘Contact Us’ page. There are countless ways this is handled. At the simplest it can just open a mailto link. Sometimes there’s an inline form of some sort that feeds into some app somewhere. A lot of times it will require someone along the process to take the data from that form and copy/paste it into the whatever Customer Relationship Management system the company uses.

C# Advent Calendar 2017 – Using C# and Azure Cognitive Services Text Analytics to Identify and Relate Text Documents

One of the tasks that developers sometimes face in large companies (or even small ones) is trying to figure out how large sets of data relate to each other. If that data is text based, C# and Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services Text Analytics functions make this extremely easy to accomplish. In this post, I’ll walk through identifying language and parsing out key words and phrases that we can use to help match blocks of text together.

Deploy To A Private NuGet Feed From VSTS

If you work with multiple related projects that exist in separate solutions, one of the more useful features of Visual Studio Team Services is the ability to easily implement private NuGet feeds. This service lets you keep development of various pieces more separate and yet still make it easy to integrate your private libraries into your other applications.