My Favorite Podcasts & Video Channels – 2024 Edition

About once a year I update my list of favorite podcasts and video channels. Here’s a list of what I’m in to these days: Tech Related DotNetRocks For years now, Carl Franklin and Richard Campbell have brought us a steady stream of the greatest minds in the industry. One of […]

Post A Message To Teams Chat

It’s long past time I had a new blog post. I’ve been focused so much lately on speaking opportunities and mentoring efforts that I haven’t posted much to my blog. So, here’s a new one I found useful a while back. Scenario In our scenario, we have a support email […]

More Fun with AI Generated Images

I thought it would be fun to try another experiment with AI generated images. I came across a post on Buzzfeed the other day. You know the kind of posts they do, where they steal images from other websites, and string them together into an inane article while barely giving […]

How do I get started with Power Automate?

When I speak at conferences or user groups about Power Automate, one of the questions I get asked the most (aside from how to understand the confusing licensing), is how to get started with Power Automate, or the Power Platform in general. I thought I would write a post on […]

AI Still Has A Major Problem With Race and Gender

AI has a serious problem. Ok, it’s got a lot of problems. It’s not a panacea that will solve all the issues that business, or the world, faces. Neither is it Skynet or the world ending evil super AI Tom Cruise goes off to battle. It has great potential for […]

Copilot for Power Automate

Tis the season of copilots! Everybody gets a copilot! No, not that kind of copilot. I’m talking about the kind of copilot that runs off of AI and helps you to do some kind of task. You know, all the copilots that Microsoft has recently announced that are getting added […]