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Category: AWS CodePipeline


How Anchore on AWS can help customers achieve FedRAMP Compliance

Cisco Security Cloud uses Anchore to achieve FedRAMP compliance for its cloud solutions. Anchore integrates with Cisco’s AWS CodePipeline, Amazon ECR registry, and Amazon EKS to scan containers throughout the pipeline, enforcing vulnerability policies. Its integration allowed Cisco to expand Anchore to Amazon ECS and generate software bill of materials for the cybersecurity executive order. The comprehensive Anchore solution on AWS strengthened Cisco’s regulated security posture.


How to Streamline AMI Management Through Enhanced Automation with Stratus10

Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) allow quick deployment of EC2 instances, but managing multiple customized AMIs is complex. Stratus10’s Image Management Solution automates and streamlines AMI building, testing, and deployment using EC2 Image Builder. It provides consistency, integrates with current processes, reduces costs, and improves security. By eliminating manual processes, engineering teams can focus on innovation while hardened images ensure best practices.


Pushing the Boundaries of Amazon QuickSight Through Automation

Amazon QuickSight is an easy-to-use, cloud-powered analytics business intelligence tool that provides insights and analytics capabilities. Experts from AWS and Quantiphi, an AWS Premier Tier Services Partner, discuss an approach to assist users in leveraging Amazon QuickSight as an enterprise-wide BI tool. The entire process, creation of data sources, datasets, analysis, and eventually dashboards, can be automated using AWS CodePipeline.

Build and Deploy a Secure Container Image with AWS and Snyk

Learn how to build a Java application in a Docker container and push the container image to Amazon ECR orchestrated by AWS CodePipeline. We’ll use Snyk to scan your code, build a container image, and display the results in both Snyk and Amazon ECR. We’ll also show you how Amazon Inspector utilizes Snyk open source to provide insight into your software security vulnerabilities. All of this functionality is available from the AWS Management Console.


How to Use Webhooks to Automate Red Hat OpenShift App Rebuilds from AWS CodeCommit

One of the offerings to help joint AWS and Red Hat customers build for an open hybrid cloud future is Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA), a fully managed OpenShift service, jointly supported by both Red Hat and AWS. In this post, we focus on a single but common use case often observed in the field where a joint enterprise customer has made investments in the AWS Cloud and is now considering expanding and adopting ROSA service as part of the AWS portfolio.


Deploying DevSecOps on Amazon EKS with Aqua Security – Part 2

Aqua Security was built to redefine security and help you address the security skills gap in a rapidly evolving cloud-native landscape, automating security controls at the speed of DevOps. Unlike traditional security, cloud-native security cannot adopt a one-size-fits-all approach. It has to be seamlessly integrated with the existing processes, organizational culture as well as the technology. Learn how to implement a DevSecOps pipeline using AWS CodePipeline and Aqua Platform.

Performance Testing in Continuous Delivery Using AWS CodePipeline and BlazeMeter

Editor’s note: Visit the AWS CodePipeline and BlazeMeter websites for the latest information. This is a guest post from our friends at BlazeMeter, an APN Technology Partner By now, most software delivery teams have heard about and are either practicing or planning to practice some flavor of continuous delivery. Its popularity has exploded in recent years […]