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abelenky's user avatar
abelenky's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 6 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Kansas City, KS
175 votes

Can Microsoft Flight Simulator help me learn to fly (or make me a better pilot)?

151 votes

Has this Google Maps imagery of 4 planes on a runway been tampered with?

105 votes

Why is Python used on aircraft although it may not be certifiable?

78 votes

What do aircraft accident investigators do in between incidents?

64 votes

How can business jets cruise so fast?

54 votes

Are you required to disclose medical conditions to your flight instructor?

53 votes

Why are fighter pilots seated and not reclined?

51 votes

Why do I never see any other planes in the sky whilst flying?

46 votes

Why does this 757 have a propeller engine attached to the fuselage?

45 votes

What does it take to maintain a private pilot certificate?

44 votes

Why was a flight delayed because of a bird in the cockpit?

44 votes

Can the airport name be omitted when contacting ATC if the frequency is not used by any other nearby airports?

42 votes

What does a typical discovery flight consist of?

40 votes

What happens when a pilot has no Instrument Rating and visibility drops?

35 votes

Would a flight consisting of solely first-class passengers be cancelled due to center-of-gravity issues?

29 votes

Why are movable rocket thrusters not used in airplanes?

27 votes

When can I request flight following?

27 votes

What makes it so hard to land on an aircraft carrier?

26 votes

Could you land a large airplane on short circular runways?

26 votes

Do jet aircraft have an emergency propeller?

24 votes

Is it an overkill to request to see airplane maintenance logs at a new flight school?

24 votes

Why do many light aircraft have a trim tab on one side of the elevator only?

23 votes

Is it allowed to listen to music while piloting a plane?

22 votes

Why aren't PFDs made as robust as the Integrated Standby Instrument System (ISIS)?

22 votes

What does the expression "Normally with hull loss" mean?

21 votes

Why do parked planes lock the control surfaces?

19 votes

What should a pilot do if they feel sleepy?

19 votes

How can I learn about unpublished VFR reporting points?

18 votes

What exactly do "captain", "pilot", "co-pilot" and "first officer" mean?

17 votes

How can I tell how far I am from a cloud?

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