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abelenky's user avatar
abelenky's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 7 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Kansas City, KS
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Are there any photos or videos of the drones at Gatwick?

0 votes

Can ATC terminate flight following AND approve (arbitrary) frequency change while still inside Class C airspace?

0 votes

Closest RL Match for Fictional Helicopter Design?

0 votes

How do you find the difference in degrees between two headings?

0 votes

What United States state and federal agencies generally participate in aerial weather modification?

0 votes

What's the right way to take a dog in a small plane?

0 votes

Why is full carb heat recommended when reducing power below normal setting?

0 votes

Does the wifi uplink antenna affect aerodynamics or efficiency?

0 votes

What is the call sign for the US president's private helicopter?

0 votes

How do single GA pilots prevent boredom during long flights?

-1 votes

If the map (reading) light bulb is burned out in my own Cessna 210, what are my options if I want to fly FAR Part 91 under night-time VFR?

-3 votes

Would pressurised air holes on supersonic aircraft mitigate the heat problem?

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