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For questions about standard words, phrases, and abbreviations used by pilots and ATC in aviation radio communications. (More general questions about aviation-specific words, phrases, or definitions used outside of radio communications should usually be tagged [terminology] instead.)

10 votes

Is "Pull up and be ready" standard phraseology?

After the fact, I can guess that he meant, "Pull up to the runway hold short line, staying on the taxiway, and be ready for immediate takeoff when cleared". But his phrasing was non-standard, and d …
abelenky's user avatar
  • 30.8k
11 votes
2 answers

What is the origin for "squawk" having two different meanings in aviation?

In Aviation, a "Squawk code" is a common term for a "Transponder Code". "Squawk 2345 and Ident" But it is also commonly a way to report problems with an airplane. "After I landed, I Squawk'd the bro …
abelenky's user avatar
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5 votes

What are the most common uses of radio communication when flying?

It will be hard to list everything that is said, but I can try to start with some of the basic examples: Pilot is ready to taxi to the Runway P: Tower, N12345, has information Tango, at South Parkin …
abelenky's user avatar
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16 votes

What does ATC mean when they refer to "company"?

It means, "The same airline as you". The typical communication is: "Cactus 123: You are cleared to land, 31L. Following Company Traffic on a 2 mile final" Which means: "You are following an …
abelenky's user avatar
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16 votes

Why do English-speaking pilots and ATC say "Niner" instead of "Nine"?

The reasons I've heard behind the pronunciations: Three / Tree: Some non-native English speakers have trouble both pronouncing and understanding the "TH" sound. Tree is better pronounced and better …
abelenky's user avatar
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7 votes

How should I request flight following when I'm not taking a direct route to my destination?

I would make the request as: (controller) "N12345, Say your request" (you) "N12345 request VFR Flight Following from Madison via the Joliet VOR to Cox Dayton; Altitude 5,500" I don't think all the i …
abelenky's user avatar
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4 votes

How do I properly report sighting a drone or hobby UAV to ATC?

Great question, and I'm not sure there is an entirely established procedure for this yet, as drones are still a relatively new development. First, your responsibility as a VFR pilot is "See and Avoid …
abelenky's user avatar
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14 votes

How unusual were MH370's final ATC exchanges?

I have not heard the actual audio in context; I've only read the transcripts. However, from the transcripts, I see the timing between some of their calls as a bit confusing and unusual. 01:01:14 | M …
abelenky's user avatar
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