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White paint won't absorb as much heat as black or another color, imagine walking on bare blacktop vs. the white painted line. I found this article to save me the explanation. The black paint absorbs the entire spectrum of photons, whereas the white reflects most of the photons. When a photon is absorbed, its energy is absorbed (a photon is energy) and the heat of the plane increases.

White paint won't absorb as much heat as black or another color, imagine walking on bare blacktop vs. the white painted line. I found this article to save me the explanation

White paint won't absorb as much heat as black or another color, imagine walking on bare blacktop vs. the white painted line. I found this article to save me the explanation. The black paint absorbs the entire spectrum of photons, whereas the white reflects most of the photons. When a photon is absorbed, its energy is absorbed (a photon is energy) and the heat of the plane increases.

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White paint won't absorb as much heat as black or another color, imagine walking on bare blacktop vs. the white painted line. I found this article to save me the explanation