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Apart from technical reasons, I am not really aware of, let me put it this way: Would you fly in a black plane? Probably not.

You associate colours with objects, feelings and, situations etc.

White is usuallycan be trivially associated with sky, just like blue. MostI believe most airlines stick to these colours, since it helps associating the brand with Skysky. But the colours can have deeper meaning which is often used for marketing purposes. White is often associated with trust and Businessperfection. ItBlue is similar reason why a lot of companies useassociated with quality, security, trust or business. Notice many company logos are blue (business) and yellow (success) in their logoswhite - Marketing purposesFacebook, IBM, GE, Samsung, Hilton.

Apart from technical reasons, I am not really aware of, let me put it this way: Would you fly in a black plane? Probably not.

You associate colours with objects, feelings and situations.

White is usually associated with sky, just like blue. Most airlines stick to these colours, since it helps associating the brand with Sky and Business. It is similar reason why a lot of companies use blue (business) and yellow (success) in their logos - Marketing purposes.

Apart from technical reasons, I am not really aware of, let me put it this way: Would you fly in a black plane? Probably not.

You associate colours with objects, feelings, situations etc.

White can be trivially associated with sky, just like blue. I believe most airlines stick to these colours, since it helps associating the brand with sky. But the colours can have deeper meaning which is often used for marketing purposes. White is often associated with trust and perfection. Blue is associated with quality, security, trust or business. Notice many company logos are blue and white - Facebook, IBM, GE, Samsung, Hilton.

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Apart from technical reasons, I am not really aware of, let me put it this way: Would you fly in a black plane? Probably not.

You associate colours with objects, feelings and situations.

White is usually associated with sky, just like blue. Most airlines stick to these colours, since it helps associating the brand with Sky and Business. It is similar reason why a lot of companies use blue (business) and yellow (success) in their logos - Marketing purposes.