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dead video replaced w/ working one from Boeing's youtube channel
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When planes come off the assembly line at the factory, they're green:

So why are most painted white? Surely a darker colour would hide dirt better?

Is there a reason planes are traditionally white?

Here's a clip that shows a Boeing 747 being painted:


When planes come off the assembly line at the factory, they're green:

So why are most painted white? Surely a darker colour would hide dirt better?

Is there a reason planes are traditionally white?

Here's a clip that shows a Boeing 747 being painted:


When planes come off the assembly line at the factory, they're green:

So why are most painted white? Surely a darker colour would hide dirt better?

Is there a reason planes are traditionally white?

Here's a clip that shows a Boeing 747 being painted:


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Danny Beckett
  • 16.7k
  • 28
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When planes come off the assembly line at the factory, they're green:

So why are most painted white? Surely a darker colour would hide dirt better?

Is there a reason planes are traditionally white?

Here's a clip that shows a Boeing 747 being painted:


When planes come off the assembly line at the factory, they're green:

So why are most painted white? Surely a darker colour would hide dirt better?

Is there a reason planes are traditionally white?

Here's a clip that shows a Boeing 747 being painted:

When planes come off the assembly line at the factory, they're green:

So why are most painted white? Surely a darker colour would hide dirt better?

Is there a reason planes are traditionally white?

Here's a clip that shows a Boeing 747 being painted:


added 8 characters in body
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Danny Beckett
  • 16.7k
  • 28
  • 98
  • 176
added 159 characters in body
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Danny Beckett
  • 16.7k
  • 28
  • 98
  • 176
Source Link
Danny Beckett
  • 16.7k
  • 28
  • 98
  • 176