For Organizations

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Recommend us to your researchers or authors so they save 10%, or offer our services directly and save 15% or more.

Ideal for lab groups, institutions, journals and societies.

How it Works

save 10%

1) Recommend us to your researchers or authors – they save 10%

Receive a customized web page, specially designed to give your researchers or authors 10% off every time they order.

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2) Or, purchase for your researchers or authors – save 15% or more

Your lab, institution, journal or society can purchase our services and receive a discount of 15% or more. Choose to pay in advance or post-pay via monthly invoicing.

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Our Services

Your organization can offer all our author services or select a few services.
We offer two editing services as part of Nature Research Editing Service, as well as translation and formatting services through our partnership with American Journal Experts (AJE).

  • English Language Editing corrects language errors, removing English as an obstacle. It can be used for all document types in all disciplines.
  • Scientific Editing improves all aspects of scientific text – in particular the clarity and effectiveness of the scientific arguments. It can be used for papers and grants in the natural sciences and engineering.
  • AJE Academic Translation translates academic documents from Chinese, Portuguese, Spanish, and Japanese into English.
  • AJE Manuscript Formatting formats manuscripts to meet the specifications of a chosen journal.

Your Organization

Benefits to your lab, institution, society, or journal

Benefits to your lab, institution, society, or journal

  1. Raise your organization’s profile by improving the quality of papers and grant proposals.
  2. Support the professional development of your researchers or authors.
  3. Make the writing and editing process more efficient for your researchers or authors.

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why choose us?

Why choose us?

  1. Nature Research standards. Our expert editors and translators ensure high quality.
  2. A wide range of services. From editing and translation to figure formatting.
  3. Dedicated customer support. Our Customer Service team are on hand to answer your questions. You will receive promotional resources to drive awareness of the services at your organization, as well as regular reports showing your usage and expenditure.

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