Savage Recruitment Academy

Savage Recruitment Academy

Staffing and Recruiting

Sydney, NSW 7,449 followers

40 years recruitment experience at your fingertips! Constantly updated content & AI-generated answers to your questions.

About us

The Savage Recruitment Academy offers a variety of intensive video modules along with a suite of over 50 microlearning videos and downloadable resources to provide training for recruiters at any stage of their career. New content is added quarterly to deal with current market issues. Whether you're looking to get up to speed as a new recruiter, evolving from good recruiter to great recruiter, honing your skills as a billing manager, or mastering the intricacies of leading a recruitment business, these video sessions delivered by Greg Savage, and a small group of handpicked recruitment experts, have it all. The SRA now has enhanced AI capability, which allows you to ask questions on any recruitment topic and get answers in real-time, plus links to appropriate resources. Detailed training masterclasses covering: • Rookie Training - end to end • Temp and Contract Recruiter pathways • Client Management skills • Managing your own recruitment career • Team Leader/ Billing Manager pathway • Candidate management skills • Branding and marketing • Business development and sales skills masterclass • Senior Management and Director level pathway

Staffing and Recruiting
Company size
2-10 employees
Sydney, NSW
Privately Held
Recruitment, Staffing, Training, Negotiation skills, Learning, Personal Development, Sales Skills, and Motivation



  • What can you do at an individual level to improve your chances of really thriving as your career evolves? What can you do now, in a tough market, to ensure the slog is not wasted, and you will thrive on the inevitable ‘upswing’. Remember you are in charge of your career. It is always thus. Here is a neat way to sum up what’s important. I call it the “Three Rs”. Grow the “Three Rs” and you will grow your ability and grow your success. Reputation – those who publicly endorse your work or privately act on your ‘brand’ Resume – the results, achievements and skills that you can point to Rolodex – the number of professional contacts you maintain and nourish Your success as a recruiter will depend on these 3 Rs; your Reputation, your Resume and your Rolodex. Your REPUTATION requires you to ask ourselves, “Every contact I have with a client, candidate or colleague – a ‘moment of truth’ – does it improve and enhance and build my reputation? Or does it destroy and diminish my reputation with those people?” Your reputation will be enhanced by your listening skills, by your team-player attitude, by your value-added attitude, by the extra things you do for clients and candidates to make them feel special. Your reputation will depend on your honesty in all dealings, the efficiency with which you follow up, the way you actually DO what you say you are going to do, by the quality of your matching and by your concern for satisfactory outcomes for both client and talent. It is also your RESUME that will help you be a top performer. Your ‘resume’ is your results, your achievements, your skills that you have in your portfolio. To grow that portfolio, you must dread complacency and you need to continually add skills. It may be hard to see it now, as you grapple with reduced demand for your services, but your resilience and perseverance are burnishing and improving you as a recruiter and a businessperson. You are learning new skills; you are hunting in new patches, and it will pay dividends in the future. And finally, you need to concentrate on growing your ROLODEX. A Rolodex is an old-fashioned piece of equipment, long replaced by digital databases, where you keep the names and addresses of all your contacts. You consistently and professionally nurture and enhance an ever-growing list of professional contacts via service that ‘wows’ your clients and your candidates. Think about yourself in relation to ‘The 3Rs’. How wide and how strong and how positive is your “reputation” in the niche in which you operate? And how about your “Resume”? Are you learning new things? Are you a better Recruiter now than you were 12 months ago? And how is your ‘Rolodex”’ looking? What’s needed to add to and nurture your list of professional contacts? A good employer will continue to provide coaching, training and development for you as you move through your career. But even so, at the end of the day “The 3 Rs” are yours and they are yours to grow. Make sure you do.

  • *** 11 cool resources for recruiters *** Now is not the time to stagnate. The current slowdown is an opportunity to burnish and improve your skills as a recruiter and as a businessperson. It is the time to restock your skills briefcase. Here are 11 of the best recruiting resources to help you with new ideas, fresh tactics and an opportunity to meet and network. Most are free or easily accessible cost-wise The first 4 here. The rest via the article via the link in the comments 1: Recruitment Agency Expo Birmingham (UK) Join me at the Recruitment Agency Expo Birmingham 2024. This event is a hub for breakthrough insights, pioneering innovation, and invaluable networking. A compelling roster of speakers, dynamic sessions, and unique exhibits tailored to drive your business ahead. I am presenting on ‘The 14 Sacred Metrics to Run Your Business”, but there are dozens of other skilled speakers and scores of exhibitors. This fantastic event is free! Sign up via the link ********************************************************************** 2: The ‘Ultimate guide to starting a Recruitment business’ (Free eBook) Are you thinking about starting your own Recruitment Agency? It could be precisely the right time. But you need a plan! And here it is, including input from 13 experts (and me). Includes goal setting and strategy, business development plan, digital marketing, branding, technology, legal, financial, compliance and much more. Download the eBook via the link ********************************************************************** 3: Selling is listening - Free Video Training Module Many recruiters think that ‘selling’ means ‘pitching’, ‘persuading’, or ‘spinning’. But there is a problem with that, and it raises its head at the most critical time. And it so often undermines recruiter success. I was guilty of the same mistake for many years. I must still fight the urge every day. What urge? The urge to ‘tell’. The instinct to jump in and ‘preach’. The innate belief that ‘selling’ means talking. But that is not selling. So, I prepared a 20-minute video explaining selling and how to really do it. Will be relevant to every recruiter right now and it’s yours for free. Includes all this, and much more Get the Video via the link i ********************************************************************** 4: Greg Savage Live Event: How to value your recruitment business Exclusive in-person events in Sydney and Melbourne. Aimed at recruitment industry owners and leaders, we discuss building a sustainable business, the importance of creating an exit action plan, the factors that affect value and more. Network with fellow recruitment industry leaders, with food and drinks supplied. That’s just 4 of the 11. Check the full list, plus sign up and download links via the link Connect with me on LinkedIn if you wish Savage Recruitment Academy

    11 cool resources for recruiters

    11 cool resources for recruiters

  • What are the characteristics of a client worth partnering with? Where will your best return come from? What is a ‘good client’ for a recruitment agency? The answers to these questions are crucial but also nuanced because you have to address the short-term need to fill jobs now – that is our business, after all – but also take a longer view and build trusting client relationships for the future. The factors defining a ‘good client’ may change depending on the market. Recruiters must be constantly assessing and evaluating because you simply cannot afford to invest time in clients who are not compatible with your goals. And making this judgement can be a minefield. The market right now is a case in point. Most recruiters need more work. In some cases, desperation has set in. So, ‘any client is a good client’ might be the prevailing attitude. And that is understandable. I have been there myself many times. But beware of the opportunity cost. While you slave away on this job order with a client who is not sincere about hiring, is jerking you around, and is not appealing to candidates anyway, you could be investing in a better-quality client or even hunting for new customers. Plenty of recruiters have said to me over the years, ‘Oh, ABC Ltd. They are a really ‘good client’, and then go on to list how difficult they are, how they underpay, how poor morale is there, and how slow their feedback is. They define them as a ‘good client‘ because they offer lots of roles. That is not enough. In fact, it might be exactly why they are a bad client! Let’s define the type of client that will allow you to maximise the placement potential of the suitable candidates you meet. Remember, too, there is a difference between a ‘good client’ and a ‘good job order’. See, now it’s getting funky. Even a proven ‘good client’ (see my definition below) can dish up a dodgy ‘job order’. Then things get very nuanced. You need to ‘look after your good client,’ but are you wasting time on a ‘very unlikely to fill job order’? But generally speaking, a ‘good client’ will have the following nine characteristics. I seriously suggest that you evaluate your clients based on them. Are you working with threes and fours out of nine? Why? A ‘good client’: 1. Works hard to attract and hire good people – they have a collaborative talent acquisition team and do not let ‘process’ get in the way of outcomes. 2. Treats recruitment as a corporate differentiator, which means they really do believe people are their biggest asset and behave that way. (How often is that corporate mantra just absolute BS in the real world?) 3. Works in partnership with you, as proven by their rapid response times, constant updating on job status and exclusive working agreement. Those are the first three benchmarks out of nine. Get the rest via the link Connect with me on LinkedIn if you wish. Savage Recruitment Academy

    Can you define a ‘good client’?

    Can you define a ‘good client’?

  • I made some horrendous mistakes as a recruiter. Some of it was inexperience, but there was also complacency, a lack of coachability, and a tiny measure of stupidity from time to time. They cost me a great deal in terms of stress, time, unhappy customers, and money. But I value those blunders as they were the stepping stones to improvement. The lessons I learned were invaluable. They allowed me to thrive and eventually move my career forward. You might be making these very same errors now. People in your team will be. Why not avoid the pain and learn from my mistakes? Here are the first two. Get the rest via the full article 1: Making assumptions: This I did often. Ironically, as I got more experienced, I started making more assumptions because I felt I had ‘seen this before’. But over time, I learned. With candidates and clients. Constantly checking in, calibrating, questioning, offering alternatives, posing scenarios, peeling the onion, and asking, ‘What has changed since we last spoke?‘ is crucial to reduce nasty surprises. The candidate who last night at 6 pm said she would accept your job at $100,000. Don’t assume at 8 am today, this is still the case. Who knows who spoke to her about what at 6.10 pm? Always ask the most essential question of recruitment calibration. 2: Not genuinely understanding the candidate MTA Another lesson slowly learned by me. I thought I was a good interviewer because I could accurately assess a candidate’s skills, work history, and qualifications. That’s the easy part of interviewing. The hard part is understanding the candidates’ true motivators for making a job change. To decipher precisely what it is that will encourage them to accept a new role. That will be a heady cocktail of salary, employer brand, flexibility, workstyle, responsibilities, opportunity, and much more. The point is you need to know what they are. And have them ranked in order of importance. To the candidate That is two of the mistakes out of ten. Eight more massive doozies of mine via the link Oh, and please connect with me on LinkedIn if you wish Savage Recruitment Academy

    My 10 biggest recruitment mistakes

    My 10 biggest recruitment mistakes

  • *** 50 astounding recruitment stats This is fascinating! Some fun reading to brighten your Friday How much do you know about Recruitment and Staffing? Here are some stunning facts to consider. Something to be proud of, really. Enjoy 1. The revenue for the global staffing industry in 2022 reached almost 650 billion U.S. dollars. 2. The global temporary staffing market was valued at U.S. $500 billion in 2021. 3. The global temporary market revenue forecast for 2025 = U.S. $673 Billion 4. Of global staffing revenue in 2022, three countries — the U.S., Japan, and the U.K. — generated 55% of revenue. The US was the most significant contributor, representing 34%, with Japan representing 13% and the U.K. representing 8%. Another 12 countries have staffing revenue of at least $6 billion. (SIA) 5. The North American and European regions accounted for approximately 70% of global temporary staffing. 7. The Asia-Pacific region is the fastest-growing market for temporary staffing. 8. The Australian temporary staffing market was valued at AUD 21 billion, and New Zealand was worth NZD 2.7 billion in 2020. 9. There are 12,802 temporary agencies in Australia (IBISWorld) 10. Temporary Staff Services in Australia Annualized Business Growth 2018–2023 was 8.3% 11. In 2020, the healthcare and social assistance sector was the largest market for temporary staffing in Australia and New Zealand, followed by manufacturing and retail trade. 12. The revenue of Adecco Group worldwide in 2023 was 23.96 billion Euros 13. The revenue of Manpower Group worldwide in 2023 was 18.91 billion USD Those are the first 13 facts. There are 37 more to be discovered via the link Feel free to connect to me on LinkedIn Savage Recruitment Academy

    50 astounding recruitment stats

    50 astounding recruitment stats

  • Most recruiters would like to secure their job orders 'exclusively'. They 'get' that the contingent, resume-race, 'winner takes all' model is not in their interests and leads to poor outcomes for all stakeholders, but many don't know how to secure work 'in partnership'. Selling job-order exclusivity starts with clearly understanding why working with one quality recruiter on a specific brief is in the client's best interests. As we know, it's definitely in the recruiters' interests. It's also in the candidate's best interests, as they will experience exponentially higher service and transparency. But to 'sell it to a client (and you must), you must understand the reasons it is in the clients' interests and that they will get better service if one skilled recruiter manages the job search on each order. Recruiters must believe those reasons and be superbly articulate in explaining those reasons to a client, who may be sceptical. Savage Recruitment Academy

  • For most recruiters, it’s tough. For some, so challenging that they have left the recruitment industry. In the last six months, I have heard from enough recruiters and recruitment owners worldwide to appreciate that the pain is real and impacts incomes, morale, and mental health. So, it is time to reset and calibrate.

    4 reasons your career will soar again

    4 reasons your career will soar again

  • To most in the recruitment industry, it is a mystery. Why do two recruiters who work equally hard and have similar personalities produce such different results? It’s not a mystery to me, although it took me a long time to work out. Those two recruiters will differ on one or more of three key measures. The quantity of their activity. The quality of their activity. Who they do that activity with. I wrote an article explaining this and a book based on it – so get around both. For today, though, to keep it easy and straightforward, here are four numbers every recruiter should know, measure relentlessly, and seek to improve forever. Most of us don’t like ‘measurement’ because we see it as inevitably uncovering our shortcomings or weaknesses. And that’s threatening. I understand. The problem is that if you don’t know what you are not doing well, how can you improve it?

    4 numbers every great recruiter knows

    4 numbers every great recruiter knows

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