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christopherlovell's user avatar
christopherlovell's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
88 votes

Why does Io cast a hard shadow on Jupiter, but the Moon casts a soft shadow on Earth?

46 votes

Are new stars less pure as generations go by?

13 votes

Is there a name for a planet and its moons/satellites?

13 votes

Average amount of annual daylight at any place on earth

10 votes

Is the Earth going to evolve towards Mars' fate or Venus' fate?

9 votes

Why do pictures of the Milky Way look like a spiral?

7 votes

Is the Sun homogeneous?

7 votes

What fraction of galaxies in the observable universe have we actually observed?

6 votes

Inclination in Kepler's laws

6 votes

Recommendation for introductory cosmology text

6 votes

The reason behind Big Bang

5 votes

Are stars rotating?

5 votes

Open problems in astronomy that an amateur (with a PhD in some other field) would have a chance of solving?

5 votes

Can dark matter decrease the Jeans length?

5 votes

How much mass do the volcanoes of Io erupt past escape velocity?

4 votes

Redshift quantization

4 votes

What shape are black holes theorized to be?

3 votes

How close are we to having the technology to measure planetary obliquity for exoplanets?

3 votes

Is there a single, most prominent helium line?

2 votes

Good textbooks for a descriptive astronomy course

2 votes

How exactly does inflation convert random gravity fluctuations into coherent gravitational waves?

2 votes

Why do we not send diggers to Mars if we think there's underground water?

2 votes

Convert orbital elements to positions and velocities

2 votes

Is there anything special about our position in the galaxy thats necessary for life?

2 votes

Why do we think that there is no two-solar-mass black hole?

2 votes

Dating very old objects/events

2 votes

Why doesn't Jupiter increase the chances of an asteroid to strike the Earth?

1 vote

Cosmological deflation?

1 vote

How are rogue planets discovered?

0 votes

What is the speed of light relative to (in space)?