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Mark Foskey's user avatar
Mark Foskey
  • Member for 9 years
  • Last seen more than a week ago
48 votes

Could liquid water have existed in open space 15 million years after the Big Bang?

19 votes

Would Hubble Space Telescope improve black hole image observed by EHT if it joined array of telesopes?

18 votes

What would happen if Venus and Earth collided?

14 votes

Will just a glimpse (less than a second) of sun during partial solar eclipse damage eyes?

13 votes

What are the negative results of SETI?

10 votes

Is there physical evidence to distinguish between the expansion of space and an anthropocentric universe?

9 votes

Milky Way vs Milky Way Galaxy

9 votes

How long does it take for a white dwarf to cool to a black dwarf?

7 votes

Why aren't neutron stars full of dark matter?

7 votes

How can redshifted light be detected?

6 votes

why does earth have speed?

6 votes

What is the force responsible for the output of whiteholes?

6 votes

Can we see Earth by looking into space?

6 votes

On the Equator, why are the shortest shadows seen at 11:32, and not at Noon?

6 votes

Could a moon orbit an Earth size planet in such a way as to create a solar eclipse lasting for several weeks from start to finish?

5 votes

Would planet explode without gravity?

5 votes

If rotation has nothing to do with gravity, why do astronomers always link swirling dust and gas to stellar evolution?

5 votes

How is Mercury tidally locked if the ratio is not 1:1?

5 votes

Why is sun's photosphere a million times less dense than air at the surface of the Earth?

4 votes

Tidally locked, and yet spinning?

4 votes

Is it possible that Venus was once a rogue planet?

4 votes

How one can establish that the Earth is round?

4 votes

How small could an orbital system be in our solar system?

3 votes

Do all orbits emit gravitational waves?

3 votes

If a black hole does not emit light, how can one take a picture of the black hole itself?

3 votes

Motion of solar system around Milky Way

3 votes

If 42000 Starlink satellites interfere with telescope observations from Earth would someone observing from another solar system detect them too?

3 votes

The consequences and the mechanisms of a shift of the Earth away from the sun

3 votes

Big Bang vs movements within a supercluster

3 votes

Would it be possible for life found on moon of rogue planet