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Rory Alsop's user avatar
Rory Alsop's user avatar
Rory Alsop
  • Member for 10 years, 10 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Scotland, United Kingdom
5 votes

What effects do other planets have on the solar system?

5 votes

Black Hole Photon Ring

4 votes

Universe is a cluster of orbiting Galaxies?

4 votes

how much advanced notice would we have for an Earth bound coronal mass ejection?

4 votes

Might Oort cloud comets be exchanged between solar systems?

4 votes

How does the evolution of a solar system not break the second law of thermodynamics?

4 votes

Do stars have exactly sphere shape?

4 votes

Can stars be seen in the background when looking directly at our solar system?

4 votes

Is there a connection between the solar wind and the cosmic radiation?

4 votes

How did Jocelyn Bell Burnell discover the periodicity of CP 1919?

4 votes

Beginning of space-time

3 votes

Why is it that night has a almost a bluish tint to it instead of red?

3 votes

Moon's path as seen from Earth

3 votes

Moving stars in the sky

3 votes

JPL DE Documentation

3 votes

Why doesn't the Sun explode?

3 votes

Brown dwarf magnetic activity

3 votes

What are some formulas that are associated with the Schmidt corrector?

3 votes

What is the exact meaning of vicinity of Black hole or a disk? the same as inside?

3 votes

the length of second, minute or hour, what defines the time of exo planetary bodies

3 votes

Orbiting and landing on non-sperical objects

3 votes

If earth were the size of a marble would it be smoother than a marble?

3 votes

Telescope buying guide for a beginner in India

2 votes

How precisely is planetary tilt defined (the tilt direction, not just the angle)?

2 votes

Do meteor showers start slowly each night?

2 votes

Has the Oort cloud moved?

2 votes

Does Einstein's theory of gravity say anything about the direction of space

2 votes

Jupiter-Venus conjunction is vertically aligned. I'm at 49° N. How is this possible?

2 votes

What fills the new space created during expansion?

1 vote

Should the sun appear very low in the horizon if its path is always between the two tropics?