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Prallax's user avatar
Prallax's user avatar
  • Member for 2 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
  • Munich
58 votes

Why is one picture of this star blue with red, and the other red with blue?

34 votes

Why doesn't dark matter clump strongly in the center of galaxies, since it doesn't feel either radiation pressure or the Pauli exclusion effect?

30 votes

Is there a better formula for gravitation, besides Newton's?

28 votes

What's the percentage of strange matter inside a star at any time?

20 votes

Cryogenic black holes

13 votes

What's the meaning of virial in Astronomy, and in particular the expression "a virialized cluster of galaxies"?

12 votes

What is the exact reason for the Sun's differential rotation to occur?

11 votes

Why haven’t we observed supernova events of the hypothetical population III stars?

9 votes

What percentage of the sky could the sun be in?

9 votes

How can light circle a black hole one or more times and then escape again?

9 votes

Is there a clearer version of Giuseppe Piazzi's complete set of observations for the discovery of Ceres?

8 votes

Can we estimate the number of stars which have died in the observable universe?

8 votes

Measurement unit of coordinate systems in astronomy

7 votes

Since the Hubble Constant changes over time (it's a variable parameter), why can't the conflicting values of 67.4 and 73 both be right?

6 votes

Do pop III stars undergo supernova or direct collapse?

6 votes

How does metallicity reduce the likelihood of black hole formation?

6 votes

Could quasars be interior to the event horizon of a SMBH?

6 votes

Could a black hole's accretion disk be bright through natural means?

6 votes

Is the Ra/Dec of Alnitak in Orion's Belt known to be correct?

6 votes

What does this tweeted Astronomy Plot of the Week mean? What does it represent?

6 votes

Are the major-axis of Mars and Earth orbits on the same plane?

5 votes

How slow would you age on a double gravity planet?

5 votes

Why is it safe to assume that K = 3/2kT in a self-gravitating gas

5 votes

What is the relation between Kelvin-Helmholtz timescale and free-fall timescale?

5 votes

Planck epoch and time dilation

5 votes

What are the bright dots in some galaxies in the first JWST image?

4 votes

What is mass-weighted age?

4 votes

Is there a general way to plot the evolutionary track of a star on HR diagram?

4 votes

Did de Sitter expect to disprove Ritz theory only with visual binaries?

4 votes

Using cosmological model GADGET - 4