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Questions regarding systems of large numbers of stars held together by gravity.

2 votes
1 answer

Can a galaxy splits into multiple galaxies?

Is there any naturally occurring event powerful enough that can cause a galaxy regardless of shape and size to divide itself into two or more smaller galaxies? …
user6760's user avatar
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3 answers

Could a super massive black hole actually be primordial black hole in disguise?

hole do exists today could it be responsible for galaxies maybe even quasars, I mean these ancient monsters gobble up all materials in its wake and grow bigger and eventually evolves into say milky way galaxy
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4 votes
2 answers

How to tell a nebula from a galaxy?

Note I have already compare the contents for galaxy and a nebula, they are very similar as both have stars, planets and dusts. …
user6760's user avatar
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3 votes
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Could a "burping" supermassive black hole be responsible for a spiral galaxy's look?

I read an article which suggests black holes could influence the production of stars in the galaxy as the black hole can burst out powerful X-rays to "snowplow" the surrounding dust and gas. …
user6760's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Are there equal number of planets, stars, galaxies etc in observable universe spinning in bo...

Just because we observed that our milky way galaxy is spinning in a certain direction therefore we assume it is applicable to all other galaxies, I am curious to find out if hypothetically most of the …
user6760's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Are galaxies moving away from us faster than before?

Are all galaxies moving away from us at constant speed even those that may be moving in our direction as the space is being formed? How does nothingness appear to push matter? A black hole sucks as sp …
user6760's user avatar
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How to differentiate between images of a gravitationally lensed object

The light coming from a distant galaxy or star can be distorted en route to Earth; this distortion is caused by the curvature of space when a massive object is present. … My question is, how can we tell whether these doppelgangers are from the same galaxy (especially in the case of a star)? …
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