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Questions regarding the currently prevalent cosmological model for the origin of the universe.

1 vote

Could the universe have evolved differently?

I don't think your attempt to distinguish the micro and macro scales is helpful. As it stands, the physical theories (quantum mechanics etc) are deterministic, that is the initial conditions pre-deter …
Walter's user avatar
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13 votes

Can we see the Big Bang happen if we look far enough?

No. The furthest we can see is the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB). Early on (after the big bang), matter was fully ionised and the electrons frequently interacted with the photons. That h …
Walter's user avatar
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2 votes

World line coordinate finiteness

Particles are generated and destroyed all the time. This is obvious for photons, but also holds for massive particles. Today most particles are stable and long-living, but shortly after the big bang t …
Walter's user avatar
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1 vote

Could the big bang have created super massive black holes?

The problem of early SMBH formation arises because of the Eddington limit: accreting matter heats up, radiates, and the radiation pressure limits further accretion. The problem is particularly acute i …
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