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Questions regarding the currently prevalent cosmological model for the origin of the universe.

2 votes
1 answer

What is the 'scale factor' equation for a dark-matter dominated universe?

The Friedmann equations can be solved exactly in presence of a perfect fluid with equation of state $${\displaystyle p=w\rho c^{2}} \qquad p=w\rho c^2$$ where ${\displaystyle p}$ is the pressure, ${\d …
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3 votes
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Does the Cosmic microwave background (CMB) have an amplitude? Does it vary, like the 'temper...

Somehow, I have never read about this or thought about, until now... Does the number of photons from the CMB hitting us from all directions vary at all?
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8 votes
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Why was the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) released at a blackbody temperature of 3000K r...

If the ionization (or reionization, or Recombination) energy of atomic hydrogen is 13.6 EV, which corresponds to a black body temperature of 30,000K, why did the CMB not begin to appear then? Why did …
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Shouldn't the estimate of the universe's age be higher, not lower, after the attractive stre...

From 'Fundamentals: Ten Keys to Reality', by Frank Wilczek : "Running the movie of cosmic history backward in our minds, we found the galaxies all coming together to meet at a definite time. When did …
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How can scientists deduce the number of types of neutrinos, or 'effective number', from Plan...

Is it related to the way they deduce the Hubble constant from Planck data? Would more types of oscillating and mixing neutrinos mean faster or slower expansion of the universe? Would a fourth mass eig …
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17 votes
1 answer

Why do cosmologists assume that inflation began shortly after the Big Bang, rather than at t...

Somehow, I have never come across an explanation of why cosmologists claim that the alleged inflation of the very early universe occurred not at the Big Bang, but very shortly afterwards (~10^-36 to 1 …
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