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Questions about the techniques and practice of observing the night sky.

1 vote

What are the Rules of Significant Figures, Precision, and Uncertainty, Strictly Speaking?

A supplement to the (good) answer by uhoh: Quoted limits of accuracy of astronomical measures have sometimes been called 'formal' limits by their authors. This can be a recognition that even after bes …
terry-s's user avatar
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5 votes

How exactly is UT1 measured/calculated?

("How exactly is UT1 measured/calculated?" -- with "interest in fine details about how UT1 time is measured.") (edited 2023/Mch/27 to add references including text+image extract of IAU 2009 explanatio …
terry-s's user avatar
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5 votes

Measurement of Planetary Aberration (similar to stellar aberration)

I. The statement about planetary aberration quoted in the question, and for which the quesioner seeks some authority, wasn't actually called a 'definition' by the questioner : it's probably best reg …
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