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What is a singularity? What is at the center of a black hole? Specifically regarding space-time

So because I can only really think of space-time in 2-dimensions like a sheet of something, my assumptions might be wrong to begin with. I was watching a youtube video on black-holes and there was a quip regarding black holes and their warping of space time, to the point where the narrator said something along the lines of 'there is nothing at the center of the black hole but gravity has warped space time so much that it's this 'pinhole' like affect that causes the blackhole behavior.

My questions are:

  1. A star dies, collapses into a black hole, what is at the center? The star's mass compacted into the size of the plank length or something similarly small? Is there really nothing at the center of a black hole?, surely the core collapsed into something, just really small right?

  2. What is a singularity? Is it just the warping of space time that makes it this way?

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