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Questions tagged [the-sun]

Questions regarding the closest star to Earth, at the centre of the Solar System.

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1 answer

Distance from Earth to Sun averaging method in AU definition

Historically, $1~\text{AU}$ is defined as $1/2(r_{min}+r_{max})$, but the problem is that this is not the average radius if Earth orbit would be transformed into circle, with Sun at the center and ...
Agnius Vasiliauskas's user avatar
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2 answers

Do all photons coming out of the Sun go out radially?

I am trying to understand why we can assume that all light rays from the Sun are in parallel.
Curious Cat's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Is it theoretically possible for the Sun to go dark?

If photons potentially take millions/billions of years to find their way to the surface of the Sun from the core, bouncing off billions of other atoms on their way. Is it theoretically possible to ...
Danny B86's user avatar
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Why does the moon have a similar angular velocity around earth as the sun has around its centre?

Is this coincidence or something more? Did the moon and core form in similar ways?
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