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Questions tagged [space-travel]

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Should a station in orbit around the Sun travel in the same or the opposite direction to the planets?

If we put a station in orbit around the Sun, and wanted to send transports as regularly as possible without the travel costs being prohibiting; should we have it rotate around the Sun clockwise, or ...
AvidScifiReader's user avatar
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Road map for a faster spaceship [closed]

New Horizons, speediest yet, is currently running at about 15 km/sec relative to the sun. What is the roadmap for future ? How is it possible to reach much faster speeds ?
Rıfat Erdem Sahin's user avatar
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Help plotting a trip to the Moon! [closed]

Take me to the moon! I know this is literally rocket science but, I would like any sources or formulas that would help me plot a trip to the Moon. I'm not sending anything, nor do I ever plan to, I ...
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5 votes
1 answer

Would a human body float in the dense atmosphere of Venus?

To survive high in the atmosphere of Venus, all you would nead to wear is suit that protects you from the sulfuric acid vapors in the air and a supply of breathable air. Assuming (for simplicity) that ...
Yora's user avatar
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How should one rationally deal with the issue of space travelling alien civilizations?

What kind of reasoning is appropriate to understand the as of today unanswered question of whether there are (other) interstellar space travelling civilizations in the Milky Way? We have already sent ...
LocalFluff's user avatar
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