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Questions tagged [quasars]

Questions about quasi-stellar radio sources, active galactic nuclei that are far away and quite old.

6 votes
1 answer

3C273 jet mass estimate

In this picture of 3C273, we can see a jet—estimated to be around 200,000 light-years long—being emitted. I'm trying to find an estimate for the mass of the jet. It's a stream of ...
2 votes
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Can Quasars generate Heavy Elements?

Pretty sure Quasars were involved in increasing Galactic metallicity but is there evidence of quasar AGN's generating heavy elements, such as radioactive ones and shooting them across the universe in ...
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How does hawking radiation work without virtual particles?

How does hawking radiation work without the existence for virtual particles? I read that certain quantum fields are distorted when a black hole forms on top of them. But what fields specifically? If ...
2 votes
1 answer

How do accretion disks around black holes evaporate via winds?

I'm curious as to how accretion disks around black holes evaporate. I've heard winds play a crucial role in this. But what winds specifically and how do they form? Is it a stellar wind of sorts? If so ...
4 votes
2 answers

Are quasars simply AGNs that are viewed from a particular angle?

I found the picture below in an answer to the post "Was the Milky Way ever a quasar". The picture is published on a website belonging to "NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database". In the answer that has 16 "...
1 vote
1 answer

In the 1950's how were radio-astrometric positions with portable dishes so precise they could be assigned to their dim optical counterparts (Quasars)?

In my question Why are quasars so far away that they couldn't be optically resolved in the 1950's? I included the following short paragraph, but then added strikethrough to the second sentence ...
3 votes
2 answers

Why would the merger of spinning black holes within the accretion disk of a supermassive black hole cause them to "shoot straight up" out of the disk?

I just tried to read the new New York Times article Two Black Holes Colliding Not Enough? Make It Three which links to the new 25-June-2020 Physical Review Letter Graham et al. Candidate ...
3 votes
1 answer

Why are quasars so far away that they couldn't be optically resolved in the 1950's? [duplicate]

Wikipedia's Quasar includes the following in its introduction: The term quasar originated as a contraction of quasi-stellar (star-like) radio source, because quasars were first identified during the ...
2 votes
1 answer

What enhances the capture and merge rates of pairs of small black holes orbiting around supermassive black holes?

I just tried to read the new New York Times article Two Black Holes Colliding Not Enough? Make It Three which links to the new 25-June-2020 Physical Review Letter Graham et al. Candidate ...
6 votes
1 answer

Is there a recent update on the mysterious M82 radio source reported in 2010?

The Wikipedia page on the "Cigar Galaxy" (M82) has the following summary about an "unknown object": In April 2010, radio astronomers working at the Jodrell Bank Observatory of the University of ...
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0 answers

How to model blazar light curves

I have SED data spanning over a couple of days and I'm able to find the parameters of the SED (R, B, break energy,...) using least squares method. My question is how to model light curves (with t_acc, ...
5 votes
1 answer

Redshift quantization

A full disclosure to begin with: I'm a PhD student in mathematics and while I understand most of standard cosmological-astronomical terms and I've followed a one semester course on cosmology, I don't ...
7 votes
1 answer

How bright would Sagittarius A* be from Earth if it became an Active Galactic Nucleus?

Essentially I'd like to know how bright our central black hole could appear from earth in relation to full moon brightness. Assuming maximum energy output (like when it's gobbling up an entire ...
3 votes
1 answer

How to convert luminosity at rest frame wavelength of 1450 A to absolute magnitude at 1450 A?

How do I convert the luminosity (erg sec$^{-1}$ Hz$^{-1}$) of a quasar at a rest frame wavelength of 1450 Angstroms to absolute magnitude at the same wavelength? I know that the bolometric ...
1 vote
0 answers

Absorption line in quasar spectrum

I have quasar spectrum which includes emission and absorption lines. I need to find absorption lines in between 2 wavelength. How can I do it with coding?

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