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Questions tagged [observable-universe]

Questions regarding the region of space containing all the objects that we can detect using any method of observation.

6 votes
1 answer

Can we consider the Universe to be some kind of 3-sphere?

This is probably a naive question. I'm learning a bit of cosmology and I've recently covered the so called angular size-redshift relation, which states that in an expanding Universe the angular size ...
Swike's user avatar
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How can the JWST telescope detect matter “shortly” after the big bang?

Since space is expanding, and accelerating, with distant locations accelerating at such a high rate that they are receding at greater than the speed of light, how can the Webb detect these distant ...
Gabe's user avatar
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If the ratio of actual total mass to critical mass (Ω) in the universe is only about 0.3, why do cosmologists believe it is flat, as far as we see?

What about astronomical observations makes scientists believe our universe is flat, at least as far as they can tell? Despite the critical Friedmann density being less than one, plus the existence of ...
Kurt Hikes's user avatar
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3 answers

If we could fly off edge of observable universe what would happen? [closed]

If we could be at the edge of expanding universe in a fast space ship such that we could go beyond the edge, what does the science think we might experience? Would we still be floating in space? Would ...
clearlight's user avatar
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Can we observe galaxies after their recession velocity exceeds the speed of light? [duplicate]

It doesn't make sense to me that light could ever reach us from a galaxy moving away from us faster than the speed of light. But this video says that it can happen. Is this true? Could someone ...
Connor Garcia's user avatar
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4 votes
6 answers

Logically, how can the universe be infinite in size?

Many people have told me that the “universe doesn’t care what you think” in my regards to it being infinite in size, and I know something that seems logical doesn’t mean anything when measured by ...
Max's user avatar
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2 answers

Can we estimate the number of stars which have died in the observable universe?

We know there are currently between 10^22 and 10^24 stars in the observable universe, but can we make an estimate of how many stars have died so far? Or, in other words, how many supernovæ have taken ...
user2906's user avatar
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1 answer

Why would a quantity like the 'Hubble contrast' be squared, then have its square root taken?

From Sabine Hossenfelder's recent video, New Evidence AGAINST Standard Cosmology: And her source.... Figure 2. The variation with increasing void radius of the variance of the Hubble parameter, the ...
Kurt Hikes's user avatar
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What defines Universe's Boundary? [duplicate]

We consider Heliopause as our solar system's boundary, Galaxy has its own boundary, certain theories says that there can be lots of universes, only when we define a boundary we can distinguish a ...
Kavin Ishwaran's user avatar
1 vote
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Universe is a cluster of orbiting Galaxies?

Like planets orbiting stars, solar systems and other celestial objects orbiting a blackhole in the center of a galaxy, are the Galaxies and Galaxy clusters orbiting the centre of a universe (for ...
Kavin Ishwaran's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Is quasar 2M1310-1714 outside the observable universe?

This Einstein ring Image credit: NASA / ESA / Hubble / T. Treu / Judy Schmidt shows multiple images of the quasar 2M1310-1714. Its distance is quoted at 17 billion light years and although the age ...
Dave Gremlin's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

How distant were the furthest currently-observable cosmic events when their currently-observed radiation was emitted?

(Edited for clarity. Thanks to James K and Connor Garcia.) This question about the most distant, observable cosmic objects made me wonder if we know the distance that was between us and them at the ...
Glycoversi's user avatar
6 votes
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How does the hypothesis of the "inconstant Hubble constant" solve the current crisis in cosmology?

It was published in a paper more or less like two months ago. I'd like to know also if more accurate measurements are necessary to close the gap between the model of the universe and the data reported....
bestofthebeast's user avatar
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Volume of the observable universe [duplicate]

What about the volume of the observable universe? Can we find it? And what is the result in cubic light years?
Panagiotis Makris's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Is it "nonsense to even talk about" objects outside the observable universe not having gravitational influence on us? (finite speed of gravity)

In this supplemental answer to Is the zero gravity experienced in ISS the “artificial” kind? in Space Exploration SE I said: Gravity moves at the speed of light so nothing outside out observable ...
uhoh's user avatar
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