Linked Questions

4 votes
1 answer

How can heavy elements exist when the universe is young compared to the lifetime of a star? [duplicate]

Our sun is said to be incapable of producing heavier elements, and these are thought to originate from older stars dying and going supernova. If our sun is 4-5 billion years old, and has a lifetime of ...
drone6502's user avatar
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How many parent stars contributed to our solar system? [duplicate]

All of the stuff that isn't hydrogen and helium (which came from the Big Bang), that coalesced to form our solar system (the iron, the sulfur, the water, and so forth) all came from previous ...
Pete's user avatar
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28 votes
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When stars explode after running out of fuel, why are new stars born from the remnants?

I'm not a physicist or have a very good physics background but I've often wondered why there are new stars that are born in the nebula which was created after the parent star has exploded. As I ...
artas2357's user avatar
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14 votes
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How can many stars be formed from the remains of one supernova?

A supernova is the explosion of a single star; so how is it that thousands of stars can "be born of" that one explosion (presumably only using the unspent fuel / lighter elements of the ...
Still.Tony's user avatar
15 votes
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Formation of elements in the Sun other than helium

I just learned that the Fraunhofer lines of the Sun's spectrum indicate that the Sun contains various elements other than just hydrogen and helium (for example, Na and Fe) but don't the Sun's p-p ...
Jack the Ranger's user avatar
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The star that created our sun

Is the location of the star that would have created our sun known? Meaning our sun's parent star which would have provided the material when it died? If not, has there been any theories on what kind ...
eBookworm's user avatar
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Origin of heavier elements on earth?

Earth is part of Solar system, which is said to have originated from condensation and mutual attraction in dense clouds of gasses and dust. If Sun is basically more than ninty percent hydrogen and ...
user637827's user avatar
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Properties of low-mass stellar remnants vs the Earth

How does the Earth differ from a (low-mass) stellar remnant, which has stopped fusion and the outer layers of which have been blown away? Could a stellar remnant end up with a similar relative ...
P Varga's user avatar
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11 votes
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How far away is the nearest compact star remnant likely to be?

Neutron stars and black holes are hard to detect when they are solitary, and there seems to be big uncertainties about how common they are. White dwarfs are much easier to detect and the nearest one ...
LocalFluff's user avatar
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Parent stars of our Sun - Where are its remains?

This is in a way related to this question. Question is: Our star is third generation star, which is explained by existing Barium. That Barium was created by other stars. Now, those stars must have ...
Amiga500's user avatar
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How much of carbon, sodium, silicon, and magnesium does the Sun have?

I've just begun learning of Astronomy and I can't figure out why any stars would begin their life with such elements if nuclear fusion hasn't created them. Don't all stars begin life as Hydrogen? I ...
Jason Procka's user avatar
7 votes
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Is there a (proposed) name for Coatlicue's progenitor?

Our sun's theorized progenitor star carries the (proposed) name Coatlicue. Since our sun is thought to be a third generation* star there should be two generations preceding it - and therefore one ...
nada's user avatar
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Remains of the progenitor of the Sun

It has been argued that it is not possible to trace back the remains of the progenitor star of the Sun (sometimes called Coatlicue), which, being estimated in the mass range of 30 $M_{\odot}$, should ...
Stefano Zunino's user avatar
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Solar System formation, considering its and the universe's age

It is known that the Sun is 4.6 billion years old, and the complete Solar System is of a similar age. The class of stars to which the Sun belongs seems to be quite common. Stars of its class can live ...
Marcus Andresus's user avatar
6 votes
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Do we know how old the matter that makes us is?

Last weekend, I had the pleasure of visiting an observatory where there was a series of lectures to cover up the fact that there was too much cloud cover to actually observe much at all. One of these ...
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How many generations of stars can be formed in the Stelliferous Era?

As in general case, stars are formed from nebula which in some case itself is the result of a supernova. Also stars need hydrogen to become a star (to do nuclear fusion), but stars consume hydrogen in ...
aDEp's user avatar
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Could population III stars develop directly into population I stars?

Hundreds of millions of years after the Big Bang, the very first stars began to form consisting of mostly hydrogen, a bit of helium, and maybe some lithium. These stars lacked any "metals" (elements ...
Curious Layman's user avatar
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If the sun is a second or third generation star, where is the neutron star? [duplicate]

It is widely believed that before the Sun was another star, more pristine in its composition (mostly Hydrogen and perhaps some Helium). And maybe before it was yet another. This blog explains this via ...
Rohit Pandey's user avatar
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After a supernova, why don't new stars coalesce with higher heavier element content?

May be a beginner's question but I couldn't find the answer anywhere. Given a supernova event and the cloud left by it, why does a new star coalesce with a disproportionally higher hydrogen(and helium)...
Matheus Simon's user avatar
0 votes
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How could a supernova seed solar nebula?

If the heavier elements such as Uranium came from a supernova, then this supernova had to sit somewhere right in the middle of the original solar nebula, because although the ejected matter traveled ...
Meatball Princess's user avatar
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Are there any naked-eye visible stars in our Milky Way that are particularly rich in calcium? (I'm just curious)

There are Calcium-rich supernovae but here I'm asking about stars that one might see in the night sky. I'd like to ask if there are any naked-eye (or binocular-assisted) visible stars in our Milky Way ...
dnatech's user avatar
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From what distances do the atoms in you come from?

If the atoms of a human come from stars, comets, nebulas and magnetrons, then what is the greatest distance that two atoms of a human can possibly have been away from each other previously? Perhaps ...
bandybabboon's user avatar
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What is the theoretical ages for Pop I stars

How old could population I stars theoretically be? What's the earliest they could have formed?
Curious Layman's user avatar