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Zero. At the limit, there's the Cosmic Microwave Background which represents the content of the Universe not long after it came into being.

Of course, some would no doubt propose that since the CMB has statistical fluctuations there has to be some infinitesimal point where it is zero. Presumably they'd say that if you looked carefully you'd see God lighting the blue touchpaper and retiring.

Zero. At the limit, there's the Cosmic Microwave Background which represents the content of the Universe not long after it came into being.

Zero. At the limit, there's the Cosmic Microwave Background which represents the content of the Universe not long after it came into being.

Of course, some would no doubt propose that since the CMB has statistical fluctuations there has to be some infinitesimal point where it is zero. Presumably they'd say that if you looked carefully you'd see God lighting the blue touchpaper and retiring.

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Zero. At the limit, there's the Cosmic Microwave Background which represents the content of the Universe not long after it came into being.