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Did comets 266P/Christensen or P/2008 Y2 (Gibbs) cause the Wow! signal?

Continuing my fascination with the Wow! signal, I stumbled upon an article from 2016 titled Famous Wow! signal might have been from comets, not aliens.

It describes the hypothesis that the signal might have been generated by an (at the time) unknown comet. Quoting from the article:

Antonio Paris […] thinks the signal might have come from one or more passing comets. He points the finger at two suspects, called 266P/Christensen and P/2008 Y2 (Gibbs).


To test his idea, Paris proposes looking at the same region of space when the comets are back. Comet 266P/Christensen will transit the region first, on 25 January 2017, then P/2008 Y2 (Gibbs), on 7 January 2018. An analysis of the hydrogen signal of the comets should reveal if he is correct.

(emphasis mine)

It has now been two years since these comets came back, and I would be surprised if this hypothesis was not tested. Assuming it was tested, what were the results?