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What does it mean 'black holes is created when center of a very massive star collapses in upon itself'  ?

I read many times that black holes is created when center of a very massive star collapses in upon itself but what does it mean ? Does weight of center of massive star increase so much that itself can't bear weight or I can say space itself cant bear weight of such center of massive startstar that it collapse. I trytried to read answer on google but want to know in layman language as I am not astro physics researcher or student. Thanks

What does it mean 'black holes is created when center of a very massive star collapses in upon itself'  ?

I read many times that black holes is created when center of a very massive star collapses in upon itself but what does it mean ? Does weight of center of massive star increase so much that itself can't bear weight or I can say space itself cant bear weight of such center of massive start that it collapse. I try to read answer on google but want to know in layman language as I am not astro physics researcher or student. Thanks

What does it mean 'black holes is created when center of a very massive star collapses in upon itself'?

I read many times that black holes is created when center of a very massive star collapses in upon itself but what does it mean ? Does weight of center of massive star increase so much that itself can't bear weight or I can say space itself cant bear weight of such center of massive star that it collapse. I tried to read answer on google but want to know in layman language as I am not astro physics researcher or student. Thanks

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What does it mean 'black holes is created when center of a very massive star collapses in upon itself' ?

I read many times that black holes is created when center of a very massive star collapses in upon itself but what does it mean ? Does weight of center of massive star increase so much that itself can't bear weight or I can say space itself cant bear weight of such center of massive start that it collapse. I try to read answer on google but want to know in layman language as I am not astro physics researcher or student. Thanks