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You may be interested in the number of habitable zone planets. These are planetary-mass objects in a sort of "Goldilocks" region from their respective stars: This region is just right, given adequate atmospheric conditions, to possibly permit the existence of liquid water on the surface. That's not a surefire sign that the planet is capable of supporting humans, but it's certainly a good start.

Scientists Kane and Gellino have tabulated such information at the HZ Gallery. As of Sep 2015, the site estimatesassesses nearly 1600 habitable zone planetsexoplanets of which 62 spend their time entirely within the habitable zone.

You may be interested in the number of habitable zone planets. These are planetary-mass objects in a sort of "Goldilocks" region from their respective stars: This region is just right, given adequate atmospheric conditions, to possibly permit the existence of liquid water on the surface. That's not a surefire sign that the planet is capable of supporting humans, but it's certainly a good start.

Scientists Kane and Gellino have tabulated such information at the HZ Gallery. As of Sep 2015, the site estimates nearly 1600 habitable zone planets of which 62 spend their time entirely within the zone.

You may be interested in the number of habitable zone planets. These are planetary-mass objects in a sort of "Goldilocks" region from their respective stars: This region is just right, given adequate atmospheric conditions, to possibly permit the existence of liquid water on the surface. That's not a surefire sign that the planet is capable of supporting humans, but it's certainly a good start.

Scientists Kane and Gellino have tabulated such information at the HZ Gallery. As of Sep 2015, the site assesses nearly 1600 exoplanets of which 62 spend their time entirely within the habitable zone.

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You may be interested in the number of habitable zone planets. These are planetary-mass objects in a sort of "Goldilocks" region from their respective stars: This region is just right, given adequate atmospheric conditions, to possibly permit the existence of liquid water on the surface. That's not a surefire sign that the planet is capable of supporting humans, but it's certainly a good start.

Scientists Kane and Gellino have tabulated such information at the HZ Gallery. As of Sep 2015, the site estimates nearly 1600 habitable zone planets of which 62 spend their time entirely within the zone.