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uhoh's user avatar
uhoh's user avatar
  • Member for 8 years, 11 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Taipei, Earth
9 votes

Is it wrong for someone to post an answer that does not meet their own up-vote standard?

8 votes

Astronomy Stack Exchange 10-year anniversary!

8 votes

Etiquette for using comments to answer old, unanswered questions?

6 votes

DaveTheWave isn’t a new contributor; Can we do something about repeated account recreation?

6 votes

Add `mchem` to MathJax Extensions?

6 votes

New to Stack exchange. What is Meta and Beta in Astronomy SE?

5 votes

Do we need/want a 3-vote closure?

5 votes

Why don't question-askers accept answers?

5 votes

Do we need to downvote posts of New Contributors?

5 votes

Is it okay to seek website recommendation?

5 votes

Is "solve this n-body system for me" on topic here?

4 votes

Post your pictures of the Great Conjunction here!

4 votes

Do you want to write for our blog?

4 votes

Do we need a notice about billionaire space ventures?

4 votes

Should a few more users vote to accept the csst tag wiki and excerpt quickly to ensure that nobody else follows my lead and rejects them?

4 votes

Changing the question based on new evidence or asking a new question?

3 votes

Too many downvote on questions recently?

3 votes

Should we add the eyepiece tag to all questions that are about eyepieces? Or instead delete it since tagging would be a hopeless, quixotic quest?

3 votes

Why was this answer deleted? Is it possible to re-open and this link added to it?

3 votes

Regarding the state of our chat room

2 votes

Is a charged-coupled-devices tag okay? If so, what would be good usage guidance for it?

2 votes

Is the tag "measurement" a synonym of "observational-astronomy"?

2 votes

Tags "planetary-atmosphere" vs. "atmosphere"?

2 votes

Towards defining the tags "electromagnetic-spectrum" and "wavelength"

2 votes

Synonym suggestion for [tag:tides]

2 votes

How long, under current policy (as of 6/18/2019), do closed questions remain visible?

2 votes

A modest proposal to increase question quality

2 votes

Create a wiki entry for future Starlink launches?

2 votes

Should we update definitions and remove the 100 GHz hard limits on radio astronomy related tags?

2 votes

I think that we have no good tags for solar-system-evolution or asteroid-formation or asteroid-evolution. Should we?