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Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
Franck Dernoncourt
  • Member for 12 years, 5 months
  • Last seen this week
72 votes

Should I always restart the system when I see "System restart required"?

51 votes

How to measure GPU usage?

37 votes

How to measure GPU usage?

23 votes

How do I create and tune an ext4 partition from the command-line?

21 votes

How to measure GPU usage?

15 votes

How do I save terminal output to a file?

15 votes

what does wget -qO- mean?

13 votes

Skipping CUDA's EULA

9 votes

Eclipse luna crashes on new project in Kubuntu 14.04

3 votes

404 failed to fetch package

2 votes

Unable to Uninstall Program : Own by OS

2 votes

How to install and enable at startup a VNC server on Kubuntu 15.10

2 votes

Installed Teamviewer using a 64-bit system, but I get a dependency error

1 vote

Is knowing the password necessary for removing it from a pdf file?

1 vote

Can't create VM from Kubuntu 16.1: "Unable to find a medium containing a live file system"

1 vote

How to install python3.8 on Ubuntu 23.04?

1 vote

KRFB doesn't save settings

1 vote

Installation problem with Tensorflow

0 votes

Exporting and importing Kickoff Application Launcher's menu?

0 votes

Transfer bookmarks from Chrome to Firefox

0 votes

Installing Kubuntu 15.10 x64: An error occurred while restoring previously-installed applications

0 votes

How can I uncompress a *.7z file?

0 votes

Show n files in each directory with tree command

0 votes

How do I determine the total size of a directory (folder) from the command line?