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Use this tag if you have trouble booting Ubuntu or you have questions about the bootup process.

3 votes

The computer didn't automatically boot from USB,

the Live USB: Access Boot Menu To access Boot Menu on your computer you will need to hit different keys (or combination of keys) depending on your computer type. … VAIO Esc, F10 or F11 Other possibilities: Assist button Toshiba F12 These are the keys to override the boot priority for a single session. …
WinEunuuchs2Unix's user avatar
0 votes

Black screen beteen GRUB and login screen

For a detailed time break down of your boot use: systemd-analyze blame The longest running boot commands are listed first. Use Q to exit the command. … Systemd log messages After completing above steps this error is revealed during boot up: WARNING: Failed to connect to lvmetad. Falling back to device scanning. …
WinEunuuchs2Unix's user avatar
2 votes

How to switch back to default booting process?

It sounds like your grub is setup to always boot to a specific menu option. Taking this answer: Edit grub from Windows? You can always have grub remember the previous boot option each boot. … The first time you boot Recovery will be the default option and you will need to press Escape again but now whatever option you select will be the default for the next boot. …
WinEunuuchs2Unix's user avatar
1 vote

Making a clone of windows drive, then erasing and using Ubuntu

After shrinking Windows install Ubuntu in dual boot mode. You want to keep Windows working for when Ubuntu crashes and you need to use google for repair solutions. Windows is superior for gaming. … Should you reinstall Windows that means wiping out Ubuntu and having to reinstall it in dual boot anyway. …
WinEunuuchs2Unix's user avatar
0 votes

Failed to start Network Manager Wait Online

Boot into recovery mode, open a terminal and use: sudo systemctl disable NetworkManager-wait-online.service This will allow you to reboot in normal mode. More details about this service. …
WinEunuuchs2Unix's user avatar
0 votes

/boot is full, can't do anything

To see how much space is being used by /boot and the sub-directories, use: du /boot -h 752K /boot/extlinux/themes/debian-wheezy 756K /boot/extlinux/themes 832K /boot/extlinux 2.5M /boot/grub … /i386-pc 20K /boot/grub/locale 2.3M /boot/grub/fonts 7.2M /boot/grub 565M /boot The listing above is a plain vanilla /boot directory listing. …
WinEunuuchs2Unix's user avatar
1 vote

Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS Slow Boot

After removing journal flushing at boot time, another helpful thread is here: Systemd logs (`journalctl`) are too large and slow …
WinEunuuchs2Unix's user avatar
0 votes

install Ubuntu and complete wipe out Windows on a machine with a "Windows Boot Manager"

Make sure you save the product key and oem number to resell it if you are wiping it off your machine. Or if you want to reinstall it some day to play games. If you want to resell the machine make a ba …
WinEunuuchs2Unix's user avatar
0 votes

No booting device after last ubuntu 18.04 update

If your screen looks like this: Follow these instructions.
WinEunuuchs2Unix's user avatar
10 votes

Is it possible to boot dual mode on old laptop?

Dual Booting doesn't double requirements Dual Booting does not mean Windows 7 minimum requirements + Ubuntu minimum requirements = system minimum requirements. Dual Booting minimum requirements are ab …
WinEunuuchs2Unix's user avatar
1 vote

Ubuntu loads slow, and consumes too much memory

When you say "System Monitor" I presume you mean "Conky". Edit your conky configuration file with gedit ~/.conkyrc and insert the line: no_buffers yes # Subtract cached and buffered ram from memory u …
WinEunuuchs2Unix's user avatar
1 vote

I fear that my hard drive may be about to break

In this example fsck is run every single boot. …
WinEunuuchs2Unix's user avatar
0 votes

failed to load fecs_inst

Because you can't boot the first option to try is to override Grub's kernel parameters by pressing e when grub provides a menu. …
WinEunuuchs2Unix's user avatar
3 votes

Long boot times on 18.04

Then save your file and run sudo update-grub Now Plymouth will no longer run on boot. This is a band-aid fix and you should keep searching for a real fix. …
WinEunuuchs2Unix's user avatar
1 vote

Can't boot laptop after installing tlp

From the grub menu select Advanced Options for Ubuntu submenu. From there select Recovery option. After logging in (graphics resolution might be reduced) open a terminal and use sudo apt remove tlp …
WinEunuuchs2Unix's user avatar

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