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Questions tagged [autoinstall]

For questions about the automated installation mode (autoinstall for short) of Ubuntu Server 20.04 and later. Do not use this tag for questions about the autoinstall option of the ubuntu-drivers command.

-1 votes
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PXE installation prompts 'EFI not found'; I am using BIOS

When installing Ubuntu Desktop 22.04 via PXE, I am prompted with 'Go back to the menu and resume partitioning?'. I am in a BIOS environment where ESP is not required, and I need to manually click 'OK' ...
yang ou's user avatar
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Ubuntu 24.04 - Autoinstall and debconf-selections

I am trying to use autoinstall for the first time. After first issues I was able to create a basic autoinstall.yaml and to install a fresh system with that file. Now I wanted to modify the autoinstall....
materna-stackoverflow's user avatar
-1 votes
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Ubuntu 22.04 installation using autoinstall

I am trying to install ubuntu 22.04 ( server ) using PXE boot, I have configured my user-data to the following enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here ...
Sima Qsous's user avatar
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2 answers

Minimal autoinstall.yaml to install authorized keys, getting subiquity/Error/load_autoinstall_data

I am trying to create the minimal autoinstall.yaml that will let me install SSH authorized keys. This is my autoinstall.yaml: #cloud-config autoinstall: version: 1 locale: en_US identity: ...
user162988's user avatar
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Add custom bash script to ubuntu auto-install ISO

I'm working on an Ubuntu auto-install ISO. I'm close to finishing it, and my last task is to add a custom bash script that will be run in late-commands stage. I tried to search for someone who's ...
Nando's user avatar
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Ubuntu 24.04 PXE boot + autoinstall failing to complete install

I created an iso using cubic with Ubuntu 24.04 server image. No modifications are done to the filesystem, it's all vanilla. I started with a working 22.04 autoinstall script and copied it to 24.04 ...
David's user avatar
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Using Match: Name: wildcard with "wifis", autoinstall.yaml, netplan

Is there any way to get similar functionality for WiFi interfaces as you can for hard wired ethernet modules via match: name: wildcard? I am trying to setup an automated install that will connect to a ...
jds886's user avatar
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PXE Booting Ubuntu 24.04 LTS + Autoinstall

I'm wondering if anyone has successfully been able to pass the proper kernel configs to Ubuntu 24.04 LTS to have it automagically boot and install from a working autoinstall.yaml file? Here are the ...
Zero0ne's user avatar
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Windows 11 Fails to Boot After Installing Ubuntu Using autoinstall.yaml

Hello Stack Overflow Community, I'm encountering a recurring problem where Windows 11 becomes unbootable after I install Ubuntu alongside it using a custom autoinstall.yaml file. Despite careful ...
Igor Bobko's user avatar
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Schema Validation Error on Ubuntu 22.04.4 live server Autoinstall

I've been attempting an automatic installation of Ubuntu 22.04 using the autoinstall.yaml file, which worked fine in Ubuntu 20.04. However, I'm encountering schema validation errors specifically ...
Hector Miguel Ventura Cercado's user avatar
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I need to update the kernel of ubuntu 22.04 ISO file

We are working on customizing the ISO of ubuntu 22.04.3 using autoinstall, here we are developing our product with specific kernel version (automirror clone version). Always the automirror clone is ...
Srini Vaas's user avatar
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How to download and place a package (and dependencies) in a local directory as it is in the repo?

I am trying to write a script that prepare an offline installable custom ISO. The customized ISO should have include some other packages which do not come with the official Ubuntu server ISO. (like ...
rido's user avatar
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issue in autoinstall Ubuntu server 22.04 using raid1 on m2

I tried to install Ubuntu server 22.04 (even with the latest daily version 24.04) using the autoinstall process, to get a bootable raid 1 configuration, using two 2TB m2 disks. The process keeps ...
Roberto Colombo's user avatar
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Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Autoinstall Wi-Fi Connectivity

Hello and thanks in advance. I'm trying to autoinstall Ubuntu 22.04 LTS from USB. I have successfully edited grub.cfg and created both "meta-data" and "user-data" files. ...
nooBuntu's user avatar
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Customise the Ubuntu server installer

We already use autoinstall files to automate our Ubuntu Server install. But as we're also installing our own software on the first boot, we need a way to aks the user for input. Is there a way to ...
Sam's user avatar
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Could not login into TailScale during Ubuntu auto installation

Initially Ive tried official TailScale config: #cloud-config # The above header must generally appear on the first line of a cloud config # file, but all other lines that begin with a # are optional ...
Oleg Kmechak's user avatar
1 vote
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late-commands using ubuntu autoinstall does not install tailscale app

I am trying to create autoinstall configuration for automatic ubuntu server installation and remote access. For remote access I would like to use Tailscale VPN. This example of my user-data file: #...
Oleg Kmechak's user avatar
1 vote
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Cannot get autoinstall 22.04 to boot

Hello I am trying to make an ubuntu 22.04 autoinstall usb 20.04 boots fine but I cannot get 22.04 going. I am running this on a headless & keyboardless server as my cat chewed through my keyboard ...
Jinxzy's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Grub configuration to load cloud-init from external removable disk in Ubuntu 20.04 autoinstall

I'm trying to auto-install Ubuntu 20.04 from an .iso file loaded in virtual media and I would like to load the cloud-init configuration from an external device. I've already followed this tutorial ...
Gringeot's user avatar
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Update/set root password in auto-install

I need to set the root password in the autoinstall as it allows me to check the system by logging into the console after installation. Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to work, and I have the ...
Prasad's user avatar
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Ubuntu autoinstall not honoring source: id: "ubuntu-server-minimized"

The documentation at states: source [search_drivers stuff omitted] id type: string default: identifier of the first available ...
Spacerat's user avatar
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Using autoinstall storage sizing-policy all, does not work

I'm preparing an Ubuntu 22.04 iso. I want the default lvm size to be all, and not scaled as Ubuntu's default sizing-policy The lvm layout ...
hudac's user avatar
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Ubuntu 22.04 Casper kernel parameters not working for VLAN Tag

I'm set up using Foreman and Grub2 to serve Grub2 template for UEFI HTTP Boot. This configuration works just fine on my server(s) and I've built unattended Ubuntu 22.04 servers using autoinstall and ...
Wes Edwards's user avatar
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Does the 6.2 kernel support subiquity auto install for ubuntu 22.04?

I currently have a working auto installer for Ubuntu 22.04 Server that uses nocloud and will auto setup with a user-data and meta-data folder. This is using the 5.15 kernel which comes with the Ubuntu ...
Josef Loeffler's user avatar
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Ubuntu 22 autoinstall with UEFI and RAID1

I try to install ubunutu 22 via autoinstall but he throws a error: Missing two required arguments fstype and volume this is my storage config: storage: config: # Partition table of two disks - ...
pragna's user avatar
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Combining autoinstall and cloud-init for 22.04?

Now that I got some understanding of the autoinstall, looking for more complex scenarios & unification for different server types. How do I mix autoinstall for engaging headless automated bare-...
Boris's user avatar
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How to stop updates during online cloudconfig autoinstall

I am trying to deploy a VM using packer and cloud-config autoinstall. I am using ubuntu-22.04.2-live-server-amd64.iso image which comes with linux kernel 5.15.0-25 During the configuration, kernel ...
hustler_singh's user avatar
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Ubuntu 22.04 autoinstall.yaml dynamic

I try to rewrite the autoinstall.yaml while the installer is runnning. What i do is , i read a standart user-data with early_command that wget a new user-data and saved it as autoinstall.yaml. ...
pragna's user avatar
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AWS userdata does not run on custom Ubuntu AMI

I've created a custom Ubuntu ISO with Autoinstall and userdata to set up a virtual machine (VM) in our VMware setup. This VM is then converted to OVA format, uploaded to AWS S3, and converted to an ...
Utz's user avatar
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How to optimize installation process during offline autoinstall Ubuntu 22.04?

I'm a beginner in Ubuntu and I'm trying to create offline autoinstall for Ubuntu 22.04. I followed this link at first to create the autoinstall and succeeded in doing so. However, since I need this ...
rain89's user avatar
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How do I add a user to a group in Ubuntu Server Autoinstall?

I'm trying to configure docker in my Ubuntu server autoinstaller. Most everything has worked as expected, but I cannot figure out how to get my user to be added to docker group as a part of this ...
granitdev's user avatar
1 vote
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Replicating an autoinstall

My scenario is as follows. I've deployed several servers, and each has generated the /var/log/installer/autoinstall-user-data. Of course, things have changed on the devices, i.e., network config and ...
Patrik Arlos's user avatar
1 vote
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Autoinstall Ubuntu 22.04 in Air Gapped network

I’m wondering if anyone can point me in some direction. In our environment, we support a high number of Ubuntu 20.04 LTS desktops all in an air-gapped network. We have a mirror of the Ubuntu ...
Ken's user avatar
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2 votes
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Cloud-init: how to get kernel parameters into the grub config files during autoinstall on 22.04?

I proceed struggling my way through the cloud-init and it's documentation. One of my current challenges is getting the cgroups flags for the kernel into the grub configs. The ultimate goal is to get ...
Boris's user avatar
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Try to setup autoinstall in Ubuntu 22.04 LTS booting through iso and use https://x.x.x.x./user-data to install unattended in VM not working

Autoinstall skips after searching for cloud-init and drops back to manual install interactive menu. Why is it not picking up the user-data file? Ubuntu 22.04 LTS I am trying to boot by editing grub: ...
Sudhakar Sankaranarayanan's user avatar
2 votes
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Ubuntu 22.04 Autoinstall works on UEFI but not MBR in Virtualbox?

I have read through the curtin and autoinstall documentation and can't wrap my head around why this autoinstall script is working on my development laptop but not my vbox install (ver 7.0.8 on Ubuntu ...
Mr. T's user avatar
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Ubuntu autoinstall with Encryption not working

I'm trying to install Ubuntu server 22.04 with auto-install mostly following this article. I can successfully get the cloud-init and use my user-data for the installation but I can't seem to get the ...
Nisal Subasinghe's user avatar
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The difference in network configuration files between USB install and PXE autoinstall

when i use pxe with autoinstall install ubuntu server 22.04 or 23.04,the network configuration automatically generated like this # This is the network config written by 'subiquity' network: ...
xiaohinata's user avatar
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how to enable root user by default in autoinstall user data

in my product, i need to enable root user by default in autoinstall user-data file Expectation: root user login by default post installation i followed the below, version: 1 user-data: ...
seeni sekar's user avatar
2 votes
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How to install packages offline with Ubuntu 22.04 Server Autoinstall

I am making a custom ISO w/ autoinstall to automatically install Ubuntu Server onto our machines. We of course need to install some apt packages as part of the customization. The problem is, this ...
Mr. T's user avatar
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Ubuntu autoinstall, cant get past welcome screen

cant get it past the welcome screen using auto,this is the welcome screen that asks for keyboard typing, timezome, wifi, privacy, user creation.. if i reboot at this screen without entering anything ...
Alfa Omega's user avatar
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Subiquity - Dual Boot Storage Setup

Is it possible to install Ubuntu 22 via Subiquity alongside a Windows install on 1 disk? And if so, how is the user-data file configured? In pre-seed, I could use the following: d-i partman-auto/...
Jason Ashby's user avatar
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How to Use Encrypted password in autoinstall.yml - late command

Hi There is a requirement, I have kept a password protected archive file in the filesystem of an ISO by using Squashfs tool. I want to untar it at time of ISO installation. Is there a way to provide ...
Dhirendra Vats's user avatar
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I'm trying to get the autoinstall working for Ubuntu server 22.04 but the installer doesn't seem to pick up the instructions

I'm trying to get the most basic Ubuntu Server headless installation scenario working. I trimmed my user-data yaml file down to the bare minimum. #cloud-config version: 1 identity: hostname: ...
Boris's user avatar
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Ubuntu ISO with Autoinstall over chroot

I'm tasked with migrating 200 physical CentOS 7 servers to a custom Ubuntu 22.04 ISO. This custom ISO comes pre-configured with Autoinstall and seamlessly installs on any server or VM. However, I'm ...
Utz's user avatar
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Ubuntu 22.04 Autoinstall how to disable security Updates

I am setting up clients every now and then using pxe -> autoinstall but after running the setup it takes very long to install the latest security updates. I want them to install later not while the ...
friendly joe's user avatar
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Autoinstall issue 22.04.2 server packer

Weird issue when using autoinstall its fires up cloud-init and starts doing something but gets to subiquity/meta/status_get and its falls over. So heres what i'm using ubuntu 20.04 moved to 22.04 ...
Scott Johnstone's user avatar
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Autoinstall Ubuntu Server 22.04: Block probing did not discover any disks big enough to support guided storage configuration

Context After running the the below bash script to auto-install an Ubuntu server 22.04 on Qemu using virt-install, I get the error: Block probing did not discover any disks big enough to support ...
a.t.'s user avatar
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Autoinstall storage: not working, Ubuntu does its own thing 20.04

I'm working with Ubuntu 20.40, where I'm creating an ISO with the user-data/meta-data on the image, then booting a VMware VM off it. I watch the output, it seems to create the logical volumes and ...
Forrest Aldrich's user avatar
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how to customized a ubuntu server 22.04 image and set up as a auto answer installtion image

i am trying to make an image for my machines. There are too many machines that i have to install windows server and ubuntu server on them. So i need to customized a image(install some software and ...
Jw9394's user avatar
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