The Ubuntu Software Centre has an older version and downloading Audacity from the website gave me a folder that doesn't seem to have a binary to start the program. How do I install version 2.1.0 in Ubuntu 14.10?

3 Answers 3


Run these commands in a terminal

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/audacity
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install audacity

Source: http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2015/04/install-audacity-audio-editor-2-1-0-in-ubuntu-from-ppa/

  • Why use a ppa? Use the prebuilt binaries, or if you want the latest version, then the source code...
    – Lumin
    Commented Jan 2, 2019 at 15:34

You have to compile Audacity from source. The "README.txt" as part of the 2.1.0 package states that:

To compile on Linux, Mac OS X and other Unix systems, execute these commands:

  make install  # as root

Running these commands should install Audacity 2.1.0 onto your system providing you have the necessary dependencies to compile and install it. The Audacity Sourceforge page states that:


The wxWidgets library is required. Audacity 2.1.0 requires wxGTK 2.8.12. The libsndfile library is also required and is included in Audacity obtained from SVN. Installation of other libraries is optional.

CMake is required to build libsoxr which is now the Audacity default resampling library.

Ubuntu should already have the required dependencies for Audacity, however you need development packages in order to compile. You could do this manually using apt-get install but because Audacity is already in the Ubuntu repositories we can run apt-get build-dep audacity to install all of the required development packages for us.

Now all you need to do is configure, make, and install Audacity as described in the readme file.

  • i tried installing assuming i had all the dependencies since the previous version worked. it gives me the error that i need wxwidgets. how do i install that, i cant find a tutorial that isnt half-ass like "heres a link to half a program. figure it out yourself". how do i install the required dependencies? Commented Apr 13, 2015 at 4:54
  • I have included additional information in my answer regarding the installation of dependencies. Commented Apr 13, 2015 at 10:02
  • this is outdated and inaccurate - check answer by Sepero below Commented Aug 28, 2018 at 4:44

These steps compile audacity on Ubuntu 20.04

... see https://wiki.audacityteam.org/wiki/Building_On_Linux

preliminary install conan https://conan.io/downloads.html

download its deb from above link then install it using

sudo apt install ./conan-ubuntu-64.deb 

sudo apt-get build-dep -y   audacity  # now install dependencies 

mkdir -p ~/src/github.com/audacity # create parent dir of git repo 

cd ~/src/github.com/audacity

git clone  [email protected]:audacity/audacity.git

cd ~/src/github.com/audacity/audacity

git submodule update --init

git clone --recurse-submodules   [email protected]:audacity/wxWidgets.git

cd ~/src/github.com/audacity/audacity/wxWidgets/

mkdir buildgtk

cd ~/src/github.com/audacity/audacity/wxWidgets/buildgtk

../configure --with-cxx=14 --with-gtk=2

sudo make -j$(nproc)  install

sudo ldconfig

cd ~/src/github.com/audacity/audacity

mkdir build

cd build

cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Daudacity_use_ffmpeg=loaded ..

make -j$(nproc) 

DONE so now lets launch it

~/src/github.com/audacity/audacity/build/bin/Release/audacity  #  execute to confirm it runs OK

cd ~/src/github.com/audacity/audacity/build

sudo make -j8 install   #  install binary

Bonus ... if you want to avoid seeing that popup message

Save project before closing

when closing audacity lets edit the code and recompile :

cd ~/src/github.com/audacity/audacity

grep -r 'Save project before closing' * | grep cpp  #  find source code file which contains offending popup

vi  src/ProjectManager.cpp   #  edit file

in your editor search for string Save project before closing

  depending on your source code version prior releases had this 

old if (!sbSkipPromptingForSave

new sbSkipPromptingForSave = true; if (!sbSkipPromptingForSave

   current audacity release 3.2.x  have this 

old bool ProjectManager::sbSkipPromptingForSave = false;

new bool ProjectManager::sbSkipPromptingForSave = true;

OK now save file and recompile

cd ~/src/github.com/audacity/audacity/build  #  now lets recompile

make -j$(nproc)

~/src/github.com/audacity/audacity/build/bin/Release/audacity  #  execute and confirm popup does not happen

cd ~/src/github.com/audacity/audacity/build

sudo make -j8 install   #  install binary

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