How do I find what autonomous system number or name an IP address belongs to?

Could I find it using Ubuntu's dig command?

2 Answers 2


Under what autonomous system number or name that an IP is located? How to find it using "dig" command in Ubuntu?

dig is a DNS client and DNS doesn't contain any information about Autonomous System Numbers. However, you can use whois to query for this purpose.

Syntax: whois -h whois.cymru.com " -v [IP_ADDR]"

It helps to use quotes and put a space in front of the -v option.

whois_query Click to zoom in on the image

UPDATE in CY 2022: I'm not sure how long cyrmu has ASN info available through DNS records, but they obviously do now. I lined-through my DNS ASN answer above. Please refer to this answer to get ASN info via dig from cymru.


Yes you can with (free) services like cymru.com.

For instance, to query the IP with dig:

dig +short TXT

The result would be:

"23028 | | US | arin | 1998-09-25"

Where 23028 represent the ASN


BTW if you wanna just the AS number:

$ dig +short TXT | tr -d \" | cut -d\  -f1

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