I have installed Ubuntu 14.04 on my laptop, and I had a problem when I want to mount a hard drive due to windows 8 hibernation.

The problem is that when I was partitioning my hard drive I formated the drive which contained Windows 8 without shutting down Windows, I only did a hibernation, so now I can't resume and shutdown Windows fully.

Now I can only mount my hard drive as read-only.

How can I solve this problem ??


1 Answer 1


Boot with windows and in cmd type powercfg -h off to disable hibernation and then try boot with Ubuntu this will fix.

Also you can fix that from Ubuntu:

Use sudo ntfsfix /dev/sdXY where XY is the partition name. ex:sda4. use gparted to find partition name.

  • I can't boot with windows I've deleted it from my computer isn't there any other way to do it from Ubuntu ?
    – Croviajo
    Commented Sep 21, 2014 at 18:05
  • 18
    Nope still getting: Windows is hibernated, refused to mount. By using ntfsfix. Commented May 29, 2016 at 14:30
  • @MelroyvandenBerg surprising i'm still facing this in 2022 and no better answers have come, ntfs-3g and ntfsfix can't help
    – cat
    Commented Jul 14, 2022 at 2:50
  • I just not using Windows anymore, "solved my problem" Commented Jul 14, 2022 at 20:34

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