I have already Installed KeePass2 and also installed both Add-ons Kee. But I don't know how to integrate it.

How can I accomplish this?

  • i would rather use KeePassX or even better KeePassXC. a auto-type function (at least for *nix-OSes) is already built. Commented Mar 11, 2017 at 6:22
  • Do you think you could fix the typo in the subject line (it's KeePass2 and not KeyPass2) to make this even more useful?
    – loxo
    Commented Nov 18, 2019 at 11:26

6 Answers 6


Ubuntu 14.04, 15.10 / Linux Mint 17

First, you neither need PassIFox nor the extra PPA describe by @Faisal Haq Salafi as mono-complete and keepass2 are already available in the repository.


  1. Download & Install KeeFox add-ons
  2. install keepass2 and mono CLI compiler and system manager library:

    sudo apt-get install keepass2 mono-dmcs libmono-system-management4.0-cil libmono-system-numerics4.0-cil
    • upvote Faisal Haq Salafi for answer basis;
    • upvote Simounet for narrowing down the package list (6Mo vs. 125Mo with mono-complete);


  • KeePass plugin location: /usr/lib/keepass2/plugins

  • Keefox

    • KeePass installation location: /usr/lib/keepass2
    • Mono executable location: /usr/bin/mono

KeePassRPC plugin

# create a plugins sub-directory in keepass2 directory
sudo sh -c 'mkdir /usr/lib/keepass2/plugins' 
# copy the keefox plugin into it
sudo ln --force --no-dereference --symbolic $HOME/.mozilla/firefox/*.default/extensions/[email protected]/deps/KeePassRPC.plgx /usr/lib/keepass2/plugins/


Quit and restart both:

  1. Keepass2, then unlock your vault;
  2. Firefox, check keefox icon for information
  • 1
    Instead of copying the plugin, I think creating a symbolic link would be more sensible so there's no problem with updates: sudo ln -s $HOME/.mozilla/firefox/*.default/extensions/[email protected]/deps/KeePassRPC.plgx /usr/lib/keepass2/plugins/KeePassRPC.plgx
    – Thomas W.
    Commented Oct 26, 2016 at 8:56
  • @ThomasW. you are right, I updated my answer accordingly (note you don't need to specify the filename on the target, it will use the original filename) Commented Oct 26, 2016 at 9:19

Ubuntu 22.04

Install KeyPass2:

Press Alt+Ctrl+T to start terminal and run following commands one by one.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/keepass2  
sudo apt-get update  
sudo apt-get install keepass2 mono-complete xdotool

Open Firefox, install Kee from Add-on enter image description here


Search for Kee and install it.

Open as Administrator (Access), skip if you have it, if not follow the step.

sudo apt install nautilus-admin
nautilus -q

Download KeePassRPC plugins

Right click plugins (/usr/lib/keepass2/plugins) folder select
"Open as Administrator"

Copy Paste the latest version of KeePassRPC into the plugins folder


You're all done!


[Edited on 04/29/2016]

Since the 1.6.0 version of KeeFox, this trick is not working. New libs are required. At the moment, I found libmono2.0-cil but there is more. I posted a topic on the the KeeFox forum.

[Original post]

KeeFox don't need everything from mono, so it's useless to install mono-complete. mono-dmcs and libmono-system-management4.0-cil must be enough. So, this command must do the trick:

sudo apt-get install keepass2 mono-dmcs libmono-system-management4.0-cil

With this method, you'll spare more than 120Mo and a bunch of useless lib to keep up to date. I get this requirement from the KeeFox GitHub wiki: https://github.com/luckyrat/KeeFox/wiki/en-|-Running-KeeFox-under-Mono

  • Is there a minimal version of ubuntu for this statement? I'm testing on Kubuntu 15.10 Commented Dec 15, 2015 at 8:53
  • 1
    Work on Kubuntu 15.10 Commented Dec 15, 2015 at 10:26
  • 1
    Sorry for the late reply. mono-dmcs and libmono-system-management4.0-cil are available on 12.04. So it must be no problem with newer versions.
    – Simounet
    Commented Jan 11, 2016 at 16:53
  • After upgrading to Ubuntu 22.04 I needed mono-mcs, since mono-dmcs was not available anymore
    – Gerben
    Commented Oct 7, 2022 at 7:20

Ubuntu 16.04

If You have KeePass 2 installed, then there is a convenient way to keep everything up to date and working.

If you do not know what PPA-s are, please do read this: Are PPAs safe to add to my system and what are some "red flags" to watch out for?


NOTE: You may need to undo the manual installment on KeeFox!

Add a ppa, and install KeeFox from there:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dlech/keepass2-plugins
sudo apt update
sudo apt install xul-ext-keefox

This will also install the RPC plugin (keepass2-plugin-rpc) as its dependency.


as descibed by @Édouard-lopez

  • Keefox
    • KeePass installation location: /usr/lib/keepass2
    • Mono executable location: /usr/bin/mono


  • No need to manually copy the KeePassRPC.plgx file
  • Contains the mono libraries needed (and keeps them up to date)
  • Other plugins are also available (that help integrate keepass2 into ubuntu, eg keepass2-plugin-application-indicator)

(check for older versions needed!)


  • Installing xul-ext-keefox instead of keepass2-plugin-rpc ensures version compatibility

For Ubuntu 18.04 From the Ubuntu Software search and install KeePassXc KeePassXC

In FireFox, in Add-ons (shortcut Ctrl + Shift + A) search for KeePassXC-Browser Add to Firefox.

Open KeePassXC and open your KeePass database, then go to

Tools -> Settings -> Browser Integration KeePassXC Settings

Make Sure you check

  1. Enable KeePassXC browser integration
  2. FireFox option is seleced in the Enable integration for these browsers

Then in FireFox click on the newly added KeePassXC-Browser button and then in the Connect button A new KeePassXC: New key association request window opens, type in the name of your database and Save and allow access.

That's it, KeePassXC is now integrated.

  • Thank you for the answer! Why should we use KeePassXC and KeePassXC-Browser over keepass2 and Kee? Is keepass2 + Kee unsafe? (I am not suggesting we shouldn't, I'm just confused with all the different forks and would like to know which one is best/safest, and I'm already used to keepass2 + Kee on Ubuntu 16.04.)
    – loxo
    Commented Nov 18, 2019 at 11:32

Here is a discussion of KeePass with plugins on Ubuntu and either browser integration in general and that is more current: "KeePass and Ubuntu 20.04 Setup (with Chrome, Firefox)?" KeePass and Ubuntu 20.04 Setup (with Chrome, Firefox)?

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