Area 51 » BloodPhilia

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Registered User

name BloodPhilia
member for 14 years
seen Apr 4 '14 at 15:41
location Netherlands

My favourite word is "Humdrum" :D

You can contact me at "my username at gmail dot com"


Default comments:

Off topic - Phones

Questions on Super User are expected to generally relate to computer software or computer hardware in some way, within the scope defined in the [faq]( Questions about (smart)phones are considered off topic on Super User. Questions within this scope might be better fit on our Q&A websites [Android SE]( or [Apple SE]( if you own an Android or Apple device. - Voting to close

Off topic - Web Apps

Questions on Super User are expected to generally relate to computer software or computer hardware in some way, within the scope defined in the [faq]( Questions about Web Apps are considered off topic on Super User. Questions within this scope are better fit on a Q&A website like [Web Apps SE]( - Please don't repost your question there, this one will automatically be migrated after closing. - Voting to close

Off topic - No site

Questions on Super User are expected to generally relate to computer software or computer hardware in some way, within the scope defined in the [faq]( Questions about <SOMETHING HERE> are considered off topic on Super User. You may file a request at [Area 51 SE]( for a future Q&A site where this would be on topic. - Voting to close

Dupe CW to answer

Although this is a useful answer, we have a [community wiki]( to describe how to perform a disinfection. Please feel free to add your own method or edit the answers already given to suit your method. Please refer the OP of questions about disinfection to this community wiki and close to vote as a duplicate if you can and if it is appropriate.



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Votes Cast

5 up

1 down