Docker desktop is about to become a paid service for larger businesses on January 31st, 2022. On Apple Silicon / M1 chips previous solutions (usually relying on VirtualBox) to run the docker daemon using the cli only such as those in How do I start the docker daemon on macOS? do not work.

What's the best option for those of us whose companies don't want to fork out the subscription fee?

2 Answers 2


I managed to avoid the problem by switching to podman and adding

alias docker=podman

to my .bashrc. Check out this answer here.

There also seems to be a compose solution.

Building and running container works like a charm. I can keep on using my old Dockerfiles. Also pulling from official and private Container Registries is no problem.

Mounting local folders as volumes was actively worked on when this question was first answered, and now it is fully working.

  • Thank you, the mount problems are causing quite a few headaches, but this does seem to be the best solution so far.
    – Zhenhir
    Commented Feb 8, 2022 at 5:20

I installed https://rancherdesktop.io/ to start the docker daemon. You can check that the Docker daemon is indeed started by typing:

docker info

and use it along things like

watch docker ps


docker exec -it 151e9b2e4347 /bin/sh

in console windows since these links do not exist in rancher desktop. Rancher desktop doesn't offer as many functionalities as docker desktop.

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