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Add a note for explaining .colima configuration in user shell config
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An alternative solution is to use other runtime for docker. For example colima

brew install colima
colima start
docker ps -a

Since docker desktop isn't free for enterprise usage, the alternative runtime is a good option.

NOTE: if you've previously used Docker Desktop for launching Docker daemon and had an export of DOCKER_HOST defined in your user's shell configuration (.bash_profile, .zsh_profile etc.), you need to re-specify DOCKER_HOST to make sure it points to .colima directory and commands like docker-compose up -d work properly.


export DOCKER_HOST=unix:///$HOME/.colima/docker.sock

An alternative solution is to use other runtime for docker. For example colima

brew install colima
colima start
docker ps -a

Since docker desktop isn't free for enterprise usage, the alternative runtime is a good option.

An alternative solution is to use other runtime for docker. For example colima

brew install colima
colima start
docker ps -a

Since docker desktop isn't free for enterprise usage, the alternative runtime is a good option.

NOTE: if you've previously used Docker Desktop for launching Docker daemon and had an export of DOCKER_HOST defined in your user's shell configuration (.bash_profile, .zsh_profile etc.), you need to re-specify DOCKER_HOST to make sure it points to .colima directory and commands like docker-compose up -d work properly.


export DOCKER_HOST=unix:///$HOME/.colima/docker.sock
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An alternative solution is to use other runtime for docker. For example colima

brew install colima
colima start
docker ps -a

Since docker desktop isn't free for enterprise usage, the alternative runtime is a good option.