
3 Stats That’ll Convince You to Start Using Video in Email

Megan O'Neill


While most email clients don’t support video that actually plays in email (at least not yet), you can still incorporate video into your email content to maximize the success of your campaigns.

Not convinced? Syndacast recently published an infographic on 2015 video marketing trends with some convincing statistics on what can be accomplished simply by including the word “video” in an email subject line. According to Syndacast, with this one little word, you can:

  • Boost open rates by 19%.
  • Boost click-through rates by 65%.
  • Reduce unsubscribes by 26%.

In addition to including the word “video” in the subject line of the next email you send out, here are some video-related ideas for boosting click-throughs within your email itself:

  • Include an appealing thumbnail image that viewers can click on to watch your video.
  • To entice even more clicks, try creating a short gif featuring a few frames from your video and superimposing a play button on top of that. Click here to see an example.
  • Don’t forget to hyperlink your image or gif so that when viewers click it will take them to a page where they can watch your video.
  • Include text in your email letting people know that they can click through to watch your video.

Have you used video to boost the success of your email campaigns? What’s your experience been like? Join the Animoto Social Video Marketing Community and let us know.

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