
Veronica Picciafuoco

Veronica Picciafuoco is the Director of Content for She’s a “fully recovered lawyer” living in Brooklyn, and works closely with both tech startups and designers. You can find her on Twitter, Tumblr, and beyond.

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Designing Contracts for the XXI Century

A design contract is like a business card—it comes from the same desk, and bears the same creative mark. But it’s also the business card you hate handing out: a folder of legal gibberish with terrible formatting that reminds the client of everything that could possibly go wrong before the work has even started. If we want to address the readability problems unique to our era—and improve communication with our clients—then it’s time we fix the language, layout, and typesetting of our contracts. And who better than designers to do it? Veronica Picciafuoco shows how modernizing your contract to match your carefully crafted brand can also help you reach an agreement faster, and even strengthen your position when negotiating.