
Pepi Ronalds

Pepi Ronalds is a freelance writer and digital media consultant based in Melbourne, Australia. Over the past fifteen years she’s worked in client and general management roles at interactive agencies and portals including Reactive, Grey Interactive and You can find her online at

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In space no one can hear you scream, and in a global economic meltdown, no industry, not even web design, is safe. But as a web designer, your skills and products are suited to ride out hard times, as long as you stay busy. Learn the seven steps to (relative) security in good times or bad: 1. Keep clients happy. 2. Know your goals. 3. Use your initiative wisely. 4. Communicate. 5. Put in a full day's work. 6. Do it right. 7. Find the love.

The Cure for Content-Delay Syndrome

Clients love to write copy. Well, they love to plan to write it, anyhow. On most web design projects, content is the last thing to be considered (and almost always the last thing to be delivered). We’ll spend hours, weeks, even months, doing user scenarios, site maps, wireframes, designs, schemas, and specifications—but content? It’s a disrespected line item in a schedule: “final content delivered.” Pepi Ronalds proposes a solution to this constant cause of project delays.