
Norm Carr

Norm Carr is a software and web user interface analyst/developer at Nuvotec, Inc. He is a co-inventor of eXtended Activity Semantics (XAS), an implementation-neutral way to model user interaction employed by Guibot tools for rapid requirements gathering.

Also from this author

Use Cases Part II: Taming Scope

The use-case model can be a powerful tool for controlling scope throughout a project’s life cycle. Because a simplified use-case model can be understood by all project participants, it can also serve as a framework for ongoing collaboration and a visual map of all agreed-upon functionality. Use it to plan, to negotiate, and to prevent scope creep.

What’s the Problem?

Freud asked, “What does a user really want?” Ten-plus years into web development, we still don’t know. One of the biggest problems in creating and delivering a site is how to decide, specify, and communicate exactly what we’re building and why. Use cases can help answer these questions by providing a simple, fast means to decide and describe the purpose of your project. In this quick-reading article, Messieurs Carr and Meehan introduce use cases and their, uh, uses.