
Keith LaFerriere

Keith LaFerriere is the Managing Partner at Visual Activity, LLC , a Boston-based UX consultancy. Having worked in both the freelance and corporate world, Keith tries to give his perspective from both sides of the field.

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Flexible Fuel: Educating the Client on IA

IA is about selling ideas effectively, designing with accuracy, and working with complex interactivity to guide different types of customers through website experiences. The more your client knows about IA's processes and deliverables, the likelier the project is to succeed.

Why Did You Hire Me?

Landing a new job or client is difficult in this economic climate. Undelivered contractual promises and work environment shortcomings can transform that challenge into a long-term nightmare. Keith LaFerriere shows how to get paid what you're worth; how to fight for control of your projects using management tools corporate cultures respect (even if they don't understand your work); and how to tell when it's time to jump ship.

Hat Heads vs. Bed Heads

Every team and office includes people with potentially conflicting personalities and working styles. By applying the right relationship management techniques, you can calm tension, communicate more easily, and run your projects more efficiently. Keith LaFerriere shows us how.