
Jeremy Keith

Jeremy Keith is an Irish web developer living and working in Brighton, southern England. When he’s not making websites, he plays bouzouki with the band Salter Cane. His online home can be found at Adactio.

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Going Offline

With all modern browsers now supporting Service Workers, it’s important to take a look at how we can use this tool to improve our users’ experiences online (and off). Jeremy Keith provides a gentle, in-depth introduction in this excerpt from Chapter 1 of his new book, Going Offline.

A Brief History of Markup

Hot off the presses! In his brand new, brief book for people who make websites, HTML5 For Web Designers, Jeremy Keith cuts through the confusion surrounding the web's new markup language and presents what every accessibility- and standards-focused web designer and developer needs to know about it—from semantics to strategy. Not only is HTML5 For Web Designers a great, fast read, it is also our first A Book Apart publication. To celebrate, A List Apart proudly presents all of "Chapter One: A Brief History of Markup." Enjoy!

They Shoot Browsers, Don’t They?

Version targeting will allow Microsoft to reach new heights of standards compliance where CSS and (especially) scripting are concerned. But to benefit from it, developers must explicitly opt in. That’s just not right, says Jeremy Keith. And it’s doomed to fail, because standardistas, by their very nature, will refuse to opt in.

Behavioral Separation

Breaking up is hard to do. But in web design, separation can be a good thing. As Jeremy Keith explains, content, style, and behavior all deserve their own space.

JavaScript Image Gallery

Making an online gallery of pictures should be a quick process. The gap between snapping some pictures and publishing them on the web ought to be a short one. Here’s a quick and easy way of making a one-page gallery that uses JavaScript to load images and their captions on the fly.