
Graham Herrli

Graham Herrli is a UX designer with a predisposition for research-driven decision-making. When not designing, he enjoys playing Go, Lindy hopping, and eating chocolate chips and cranberries.

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Gaming the System…and Winning

Go ahead. Game it up. Set that corporate website abuzz with rewards and badges and magic codes. Just don’t be surprised, says user interface specialist Graham Herrli, when the site’s primary users balk at your efforts. Before incorporating cool, hip game elements, he says, it’s important to know your target. Who are they? What are their time constraints? What motivates them?

Multimodal Perception: When Multitasking Works

Don’t believe everything you hear these days about multitasking—it’s not necessarily bad. In fact, humans have a knack for perception that engages multiple senses. Graham Herrli unpacks the theories around multimodal communication and suggests that we can sometimes make things easier to understand by making them more complex to perceive.