
Photo of Erin Casali

Erin Casali

Erin ‘Folletto’ Casali is a Sr. Director of Product Design and a polymath with an hybrid background in design, psychology, business, and tech. She has a multi-disciplinary, systems-based approach to problems and an uncommon mix of theoretical, holistic thinking grounded in pragmatic, goal-driven execution.

Also from this author

Asynchronous Design Critique: Getting Feedback

Receiving feedback can be a stressful experience: will an open-ended question attract helpful guidance or harsh criticism? Erin “Folletto“ Casali has already taught us how to provide good feedback; now she shows how to have agency when receiving it. Follow her advice and you’ll be able to structure your feedback process to always generate an ego-friendly, focused, and above all actionably helpful review.

Asynchronous Design Critique: Giving Feedback

How do you know that you’re giving good feedback? Erin ‘Folletto’ Casali offers a tangible framework for delivering feedback through the lens of the design critique process in this first installment of a two-part series. While the examples are concrete and rooted firmly in the world of Design, the lessons are universally applicable: use them during performance reviews, code reviews, mentorship communications. The options are endless!